Chapter 14

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You quietly move the blanket to the side and sit up. You turn and put your feet on the ground, making as little noise as possible. Pausing for a moment, you listen to the voices in the kitchen. It sounded like Mark and Jack. Before heading to the kitchen, you find your phone. It had fallen out of your pocket as you slept and was very warm from having been slept on. You pull out your phone and turn on the front facing camera. Well, it's not TOO terrifying. Phone aside, you stand up and shuffle to the kitchen sheepishly. The early morning light was bluish, since the sun wasn't quite up yet. Soft yellow light filtered from the door that lead to the kitchen. Peeking around the doorframe, you see the two sitting down drinking coffee and having a conversation. Jack sees you first and smiles, breaking away from the chat. "Good morning!" He somehow yells quietly. "Did you sleep well? Coffee?" Mark asks, noticing you are awake. His hair is ruffled from bed head, and he still has a sleepy look in his eyes. Jack is of course chipper, he doesn't look tired at all. You shyly smile and look down, still feeling sleepy. Looking back up, you say "Coffee sounds great." Mark turns and points to a cabinet. "Cups are in there. Use any you like." He pauses for a moment. " Except for the minion one." You give him a confused look. Why on earth did he have a minions cup? "Why do you have a minions cup?" Mark shakes his head." It's Matt's. If you use it, he will throw the biggest tantrum." Jack was nodding in agreement with Mark. " Made that mistake when I got here. It is absolutely not a good time." You yawn and try to hide it as you nod, then wrap your arms around yourself and shuffle to the cabinet he pointed to. Opening it, you see the minions cup right away. The disgusting face staring right at you. You shove it aside with a face of disgust and grab the dark green mug. Shutting the cabinet, you fill your cup with the blessed liquid. Mark and Jack had continued talking as you grabbed your cup. Creamer was on the counter. Once you concocted the perfect mixture, you took a long sip at the counter before making your way to the table. Mark pulls out a chair for you, and you sit down. Before anything else, you apologize for accidentally spending the night. Mark smiles and says it was no problem, and that he didn't mind. You thank him for his hospitality, and listen as Mark and Jack get back to their previous conversation. They ask your opinion occasionally, but you listen for the most part.

You had reached the bottom of your cup a while ago, but didn't feel the need for any more. You were completely engrossed in the conversation, which had taken an interesting turn. The probability of mass extinction due to everyone being so addicted to their phones that no one interacted anymore so everyone just grew old and died, leaving no replacement generation. About an hour had passed, and you heard a yawn from the hall way. You three look over and see Ryan with his arms over his head and stretching out a yawn, Lego following closely behind. Jack leans to the sliding glass door and let's Lego out with Chica. Ryan, without acknowledging anyone, pours himself a cup of coffee and drinks almost all of it before giving the table a sassy judgmental look and leaving the room. "What was that all about?" You ask Mark. He sighs and says "Ryan is not a morning person. Matt should be awake soon, Banana will be demanding to be fed." At that moment, Matt enters the room, Banana close on his heels. Matt looks very bedraggled, obviously just woken by Banana. After feeding the cat, he joins the table, smiling tiredly. "Good mornin Matt!" Jack chitters. "Mornin." Matt says simply. Leaning back, Mark checks the time. "It's about 7:30. I can take you home soon if you want, Amber." You nod, and stretch. "Sounds good. Thank you for the coffee." The next ten minutes are a short conversation about the events of last night, before you and Mark have put on your shoes, and are preparing to go. At the last second, Jack joins along. Saying bye to Matt and Ryan on the way out, you load into the car and they drive you home.

Lemme know if you see anything that needs to be edited or something that could be tweaked. Thank you for reading so far! And thank you for your patience between releases.

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