Chapter Sixteen

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"I need to talk to you." Butch said.

Buttercup glared and tried to punch him but Butch laughed and grabbed her hand and pinned it above her head.

"I don't want to hurt you." Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes and she kicked him making him lose his grip on her.

Butch fell down to his knees and saw Buttercup was about to run out the room, making Butch flew towards her, having them crash against the wall. Butch grabbed her and tossed her in her room and slammed the door before anyone of her family members saw them. He Turned and buttercup punched him in the face.

"Holy shit!" Butch exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back and slammed her against the wall, having her backside against his front side.

"What do you want?" Buttercup hissed as Butch scoffed.

"You could've said that earlier so we wouldn't have to do this," Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes. "But I want to know why you told Blossom and bubbles about vampires? Do you want me to kill you!?" Butch hissed as Buttercup grunted.

"You won't kill me." Buttercup said as Butch flipped her around and pinned both hands of hers above her head.

"How do you know that?"Butch Asked his eyes flashed red.

"You may be a blood sucking vampire but you would never cause harm other humans." She said as Butch glared and shook his head.

"You leave your vampire assumptions to yourself, my brothers need to be safe. You don't seem to understand whenever you spread this out, danger comes to you and other people." Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes.

"Or what? A vampire hunter comes after me?" She asked as she laughed.

"Yes, exactly that." Butch said as Buttercup looked over at him.

Their green eyes met and something was behind each other them. Butch was anger and his eyes was shifting from red to green whenever Buttercup would move. Buttercup was confused and angry, from being pinned against the wall.

Butch would let her go, but he wasn't trusting her, and he did like his body pressed against hers. Maybe it was his vampire side saying don't let her go, while his insane side was telling him to kill her so his brothers won't get hurt. But he won't kill her.

"Are you going to let me go or just let me stare at your freaky eyes?" Buttercup asked as Butch eyes turned a darker shade of red and he growled, pinning her against the wall jarder.

"Not until I can make sure you won't spill anymore about vampires." Butch saida s Buttercup narrowed her eyes at him.

"Why do you care? Besides how are you brothers, none of you look alike." Buttercup said as Butch loosen his grip and Buttercup noticed his grip.

Butch eyes turned into a light shade of green, and Buttercup kicks Butch down. SHe grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, and had him face down on the floor. Butch widened his eyes and he hissed.

Butch used his other hand and pushed them off the ground and ignored the loud pop he heard and he flipped them over and grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head and he hissed as he felt pain in his shoulder, he looked and saw it was popped out of place.

"Why did that creepy guy take me to you? Why did that other guy tried to kill you?" Buttercup asked as Butch narrowed his eyes over at her. "Why did you call yourself the vampire prince?" Buttercup asked as Butch looked over at her.

"That creepy guy name is Henry, and he's been after me ever since I ran away from him, and that other guy name is Mojo, he's a vampire hunter who is trying to take back his son back which I won't let him, and the reason why I said the vampire prince cause I am." Butch saida s Buttercup raised her eyebrow over at him.

"How?" She asked.

"Well you know the birds and the bees talk." Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes.

"Not that you asshole, how are you the vampire prince?" She asked as Butch looked at her with his eyes flashing to his regular green eyes.

"Well it's not to tell. My mom was hot, the vampire king wanted to fuck her. So their fucking made a child, which is me." Butch shrugged, not wanting to tell her the rest of the story.

"What happened to you dad?" She asked.

"He's in hell."

"And your mother?" She asked as having Butch flinched and he shrugged and let her go and stepped back.

"It doesn't matter." Butch said as Buttercup stood up and rubbed her wrist and looked over at Butch with her eyebrow raised.

"She's your mother, of course it matters." She said as Butch shook his head and walked over to the window and opened it up.

"It doesn't, people leave and that's what she done." Butch lied as he looked over at her and he flew out the window.

Buttercup ran over towards the window and she looked outside of it and didn't see Butch anywhere. Butch was flying towards the woods, maybe to hunt or just to hang out there.

Butch didn't know how to feel about telling her about his mother. It was rather a touchy subject, since it was his personal life. He was bugging into her personal life, and she shouldn't either. It would be his choice to tell him when and how he should tell people about his mother, it shouldn't be forced out of him.

Butch landed in the tree and he sat down. His eyes was watching the animals running across the forest, or walking, and he didn't attack them. He just watched them. As if he was reading their minds, which he wasn't, he was just watching them like a stalker.

But not noticing someone watching him.

Heyyo Guys!!!

What we thinks???? Butch?? Buttercup??? Butch's stalker???? Wells tells me your thoughts!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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