Chapter Fifteen

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Buttercup laid on her bed, feeling numbness and just not knowing what to do. Remembering the eyes wasn't what she was planning to. She just wanted answers, and sometimes the answers she gets never happen.

She finally sat up and looked around, she chewed her bottom lip and got out of bed. She grabbed her towel and walked in her bathroom, and took her a shower. She turned on the hot water and stepped in, after stripping down, and she sighed as the warm water beat against her back.

Do you remember the times whenever you wanted to sing, you would go to the bathroom and sing out your heart, but now people tend to make huge decisions in the shower. She was washing her hair, while thinking about the eyes. She knew that Butch could be pulling a huge prank on hre. She finally got done washing her hair and body, she turned off the water and grabbed her towel.

She dried off her body and wrapped the towel around her body, she walked out toward her room and grabbed her a pair of undergarments and pulled her out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a dark green tank top with a black leather jacket. She slipped her clothes on and wrapped her hair in the towel and slipped on a pair of socks and a pair of ehr black boots. She sighed and slipped on some degree and walked back to her bathroom and brushed her hair. She put it in a ponytail and looked in the mirror.

She had black bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep she was having. She rolled her eyes and walked out and grabbed her a pair of shades and slipped them on and grabbed her sports bag and slipped it over her back and walked downstairs. She grabbed an apple and ate it and threw it in the trash and went in the downstairs bathroom and brushed her teeth.

She walked out and started down towards sidewalk, ignoring the looks she was getting. Why was she getting looks? It's saturday and it's about seven a.m. and she was already out of the house, but she couldn't get any sleep so what was the deal to stay in the house.

She turned down towards the park and sat on the bench and took off her bag and opened it and pulled out her phone and texted Bubbles and Blossom to met her down in the park asasp, and gotten some angry emojis from Blossom but Bubbles just said okay.

Buttercup sighed and blew her bangs out of her face and waited for her friends to show up, but she knew that Bubbles would be here first, since the park was down the street from her house, and Blossom might take a little bit longer cause she hates being up so earlier.

"Buttercup!" She heard Bubbles yelled and she stood up and turned over towards her friend, and saw she was wearing a light blue dress with her black flats, she hugged Bubbles and they waited for Blossom.

Who was getting a ride from Brick, which wasn't so happy about being out of the so early, even they he had to play that he was asleep, but the girls didn't need to know about that. They saw Blossom was driving her with Brick, she waved at Brick and lwake dover towards the girls.

"Why am I'm up so early again?" Blossom asked as Bubbles giggled and Buttercup smiled.

"Cause you love me, and I need to ask you a question." Buttercup said as Blossom sighed and sat next to Buttercup, and the two didn't see Brick car next to the opening of the park.

"Do you think that vampires are real?" Buttercup asked as Brick widened his eyes and drove back down to his house.

"Why would you ask that?" Blossom asked as Buttercup looked over at her and sighed as she stood up.

"I mean something is going down over at y'alls boyfriends house! Have you ever notice something strange with them?" Buttercup asked as the girls looked over at each other then back at Buttercup.

"They're boys Buttercup, of course their strange." Bubbles said as Buttercup sighed and started to pace in front of them.

"No! Like have their eyes ever change to red? Well not Brick's but has Boomer's?" Buttercup asked as Bubbles shook her head.

Buttercup sighed and Bubbles and Blossom looked over at each other and Blossom shrugged as she stood up and walked over towards Buttercup and grabbed her arm and made Buttercup face her.

"Buttercup, we don't think you're crazy, but I think your dreams are causing you to lose your grip on reality." Blossom said as Buttercup shook her head and rip her arm out of Blossom's grip.

"I swear it! And I was dating an old guy, who was using Mitch as a disguise then all the sudden Butch comes out and starts to attack these two guys, who said Brick is his son, but I thought Brick was an orphan." Buttercup said as she looked over towards Blossom who nodded.

"He is, and your talking about some dream you had. Besides you're losing sleep, correct?" Blossom asked as Buttercup nodded. "Then let's get your back to your house for some sleep." Blossom said as Bubbles nodded and aleks over.

The two girls walked her home as Buttercup keep saying that she saw red eyes, as the two girls said it was her lack of sleep making her see things.


"I swear! She's starting to notice things." Brick said as Butch frowned and nodded. He chewed his bottom lip and turned around and walked over towards his room.

He closed the door and looked out the window and saw Buttercup walking in her house, waving her friends. His eyes narrowed and crossed his arms as he watched her walking up to her house. He sighed and walked over towards window and sat on the seal part.

He pulled up the window and jumped out the window, and he super speed over towards her house and went to her window. He flew up and opened the window, and saw she wasn't in yet. He closed the window and walked over towards the chair. He sat down and waited her for walk in.

"No thanks mom! I already ate!" Buttercup yelled as she walked in. She sighed and threw her bag on the bed and turned over and saw Butch. She opened her mouth to scream, which caused Butch to superspeed over towards her and covered her mouth pressing her on the wall, with his body on hers.

"Be quiet and you won't get hurt." Butch hissed as his eyes flashed red making Buttercup eyes widened. 

"I need to talk to you." Butch said.

Heyyo Guys!!!!

What we thinks????? Buttercup??? Blossom??? BubbleS???? Butch???? What is Butch gonna talk to her about???? Wells tells me your thoughts!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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