Part VII // Monster

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The next day, as Obi-Wan was sterilizing Padmé's wounds in the washroom, they heard a ship land on the balcony and footsteps echoing throughout the apartment.

"Stay here and be quiet until I tell you it's safe," he instructed her. She nodded and hid behind the door.

He walked out silently and readied his lightsaber, but he didn't illuminate it yet.

"General Kenobi? Please, I know you're here," called a woman's voice.

He peeked into the living room, and sure enough, a young Togruta stood by the couch looking lost. "Yes?"

She looked at him, startled by his voice. "It's me. Ahsoka Tano," she said, begging the Force that he might recognize her.


It had been a long time since he had heard that name. But looking at her, his memory did not fail him. It truly was Anakin's former Padawan standing before him. They quickly embraced.

"I am glad to see you're well. It has been too long, Ahsoka." His relief was apparent. "Is there something I can provide you with?"

"Is Senator Amidala present?"

He became wary. "Why do you ask for her?"

"Ever since the Order 66 attack, I've stayed in hiding with the few that are left of the Council, and, instead, I've been training with medical droids. Master Yoda sent me to stay here until you leave."

Obi-Wan's hand came to a resting place on his chin. "I see. Yes, she's in the washroom. I was just cleaning her wounds."

"Wounds?" The Togruta girl sounded concerned. "Did something happen?"

The Master sighed. "She's been depressed and suicidal. She slit her forearms last night; sliced them from here to here." He traced his left forearm to show the approximate length of the cuts.

"May I see her?"

"Of course. Follow me."

When they reached the smallish washroom, Obi-Wan called to Padmé that everything was safe. Padmé came out from behind the door and was taken aback by the familiar face that greeted her.

"Ahsoka, you're alive!" Padmé was astounded. She wasn't sure what had become of the young Padawan since their split many years ago.

"I am here as your medical consort. May I have a look at your arms?" Ahsoka requested.

Reluctantly, Padmé offered her forearms to Ahsoka.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night," Padmé said, looking up at Obi-Wan, whose eyes held stormy gray heartbreak.

"You cleaned these?" Ahsoka asked, also looking at Obi-Wan. He nodded. "Very well done."

He nodded his thanks to her, though the dynamic had clearly switched. She was not the young wild child he had once known. No, she had matured and proved her knowledge quickly.

"I'll replace the gauze that was over them," Ahsoka stated, looking at the bloodied gauze lying on the counter. "Then I'd like to set up the ultrasound machine, so we can have a look at the little one, make sure it's developing correctly."

"I'll leave you two to be," Obi-Wan said, beginning to back out. "This is none of my concern."

"You can join us if you'd like," Padmé assured him.

"No, I really shouldn't."

"Please," her doe eyes pleaded.

Not too long after, Padmé lay on her bed, the stained blanket removed and replaced with a fresh gray one. Obi-Wan sat in a chair by her side, looking at her reassuringly and with love. Ahsoka had already cleaned up the ultrasound equipment and exited to make tea for the three of them.

"Twins," Padmé breathed.

"Congratulations," he said, perhaps for the third time. "Have you given much thought to names?"

"I haven't any in particular picked out yet."

"I'm sure you will soon."

Ahsoka reentered the room, carrying a tray with three mugs of steaming tea placed upon it.

"Do you think either of them will have Anakin's strength in the Force?" Padmé asked Obi-Wan.

Ahsoka almost dropped the tray. "Anakin? They're Anakin's?" As soon as she saw Padmé's nod, she sat down, dizzy. "He never told me," she mumbled.

"Told you?" Obi-Wan stood. "Did you have contact with him in recent years?"

"It doesn't matter," came the flat reply as she waved him off.

"It does matter, Ahsoka. He's become a monster. Did you have any insight, any at all? I need to know."

"We spoke once. He contacted me three months ago. But... A monster? What do you mean by that?"

"He has become the Sith lord, Darth Vader, under Darth Sidious's mastership." Obi-Wan sat back down, his hand stroking his chin in deep thought.

"No. Not Anakin."

"Yes, Anakin," Padmé affirmed sadly.

"I... I'm sorry. I have to go lie down."

"Of course," Obi-Wan said. "You may have the guest room. I'll stay with Padmé."

Ahsoka nodded wearily and left, shutting the doors.

"I don't need close watching all of the time." Padmé narrowed her eyes at him.

But Obi-Wan knew that she did. So he stayed anyway. Secretly, she was glad he'd said the words that she couldn't.

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