Part XIII // The Damsel

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Obi-Wan looked lovingly at the baby girl cradled in the crook of his arm and marveled at her fragility. She had her mother's dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen. When she opened her eyes, she began to fuss and her arms raised in frustration, impossibly tiny fists curled up in anger at the world.

The Jedi bounced her softly and tried to quiet her, but to no avail.

"Let me see her," Padmé said, startling him.

"You're not supposed to be up," he scolded, but he handed over her daughter anyway.

"And you're not supposed to be straining your muscles today." As soon as the baby realized she was in her mother's arms, she quieted down.

"One small infant isn't going to strain my muscles."

"Did you mean lack of muscles?" Padmé asked jokingly, poking his abdomen. They shared a laugh. "But I'm not an invalid. I have to do some things for myself to keep sane."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know." She shrugged. "It's just that after everything I've been through, the last thing I want to be is the damsel in distress." She turned around and walked from the kitchen to the living room. Obi-Wan followed her casually.

"Where's Luke?" He asked.

The mother smiled sweetly down at her daughter. "In his crib. He slept like an angel last night."

"Yes, I was surprised Leia didn't wake him."

"She's a loud one, that's for sure." Padmé smiled down at her sleeping baby. "It's funny; she was quite the opposite when she was born."

"That is true." He watched her for a minute, giving the conversation time to rest. "Will you please sit down?" Obi-Wan then requested. "It's only been a day."

"Fine." Padmé did what she was told and sat down on a deep purple couch. They were staying in the queen's palace, as Queen Jamillia promised to keep them hidden and protected for as long as they needed.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan, for everything you've done." Brown eyes looked up at him lovingly.

"I am only doing my duty, Senator."

She looked back down as her fingers absentmindedly fiddled with the edge of the newborn's blanket. "I think we're way past the formalities by now."

Obi-Wan knew she was right. He had woken up holding her in an almost-kiss position, confessed that he loved her, and was present for the birth of her children. I still can't believe it took me an hour to get the blood to flow back in to my fingers last night, he thought humorously.

Then he made his first move. He leaned in and kissed her with such force she very nearly fell over. He held her steady by grasping her arm and keeping her upright.

When they broke apart, she could see the passion in his eyes. It almost scared her, but as her eyes searched his, she saw gentleness as well. He does love me.

He echoed her thoughts, even though he had truly not been reading her mind. "I love you, Padmé. And I have so many plans for us if you'll let me have your heart."

"It's all yours," she said, tears forming in her eyes. "It's always been yours."

Leia started to cry again, causing both adults to look down at her.

Padmé sighed contentedly. "I should feed her. Meanwhile, you should prepare for your operation." She squeezed his hand reassuringly, nodded, and started for her temporary chambers.

Obi-Wan watched her slip off in to the other room and close the door. Again, he knew that she was right. He needed to meditate and rest before going in to get his severed arm replaced with a fully-functioning mechanical one.

An hour later, he was shaken awake from his nap by Padmé, who informed him that it was time to leave for the palace's medical center.

Nervous as he was, he assured Padmé and Ahsoka that everything would be just fine.

That is, he hoped it would be fine.

As he lay topless on the smooth operating table, he looked straight up into the blinding lights, then closed his eyes. The anesthetic made him tired, and he fell asleep just as a droid began the first incision into his shoulder.

Hours later, Obi-Wan awoke lying in a hospital bed, his strawberry-blond hair matted and askew with static electricity, making it cling to the pillow under his head. He raised his left arm and, miraculously, it came up from under the sheets. He stared at the metal appendage for some time, wiggling the fingers, until he heard the door to his room slide open.

In walked Padmé and Ahsoka, both smiling sheepishly.

"How does it feel to have your arm back?" Padmé asked, still smiling.

"Ah, I can finally fight again," he replied.

Padmé came closer, sat down on the chair next to his bed, kissed his forehead, and laid her head on his chest. "I was so scared. I know you promised you would be okay, but there was something in the back of my mind telling me that you wouldn't."

"Worry no more." He began to stroke her hair and tell her about a nice apartment he'd found on Naboo a while back, never noticing how Ahsoka's eyes glinted enviously from the doorway.

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