it all started with a chat site (niall horan love story)

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hello I'm Amy I have a really I get abused of my dad and get bullied in school by the popular boys. I don't even know all the the boys names only the leader 'Harry styles' the only thing that is keeping me from running away is my baby sister Lily. she Is only two and I am like her mother not her sister I pay for all her stuff and make sure she gets looked after while I'm I school or at my baby sitting job. it's a hard life!

I only have one friend and i have never even met him in person. I met him on chat site and once I got to no him we started to video chat and traded numbers so when I'm at school I can text and ring him if I'm lonely he's left school now he's in his first of collage but I'm in year 11 (the last year of high school) so I can call him any time a long as he's not got a exam. he's called niall, niall horan from Ireland. he is coming over to the UK in a couple of weeks to audition for the x factor and asks me to meet up with him and go to the audition with him (he says he needs me there for support) I can't wait to meet him in person! he is really fit! he has a tanned and tonned belly. he likes food like me. I have applied for the collage he goes too and planing to take my sister over there and get a apartment near his house then I would get to see him all the time. that's unless he gets big off the x factor. he said if he does he will take me with him on tour but I think he might forget about me with all the attention he will get off the girls. because let's face it I'm not pretty I have long brown hair that always gets knotted and brown eyes I'm quite small and not a stick and let's face it all the attention will be coming off girls the opposite of me so blond long hair tall and sticks and he won't be able to resist it.

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