chapter 14 (birthday part 1)

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'@louis_tomlinson: just found my long sister omg after 17 yeas tomorrow and i have known her for about two weeks not knowing it was her!!! i'm so dumb but i have her know and shes never going again! love you sis!' then he tagged me and all the family in it. after i read it i showed niall and liam and they both aww'd it was cute so i tweeted back:

'@1Dxxxnemoxxx: love you to bro and cant believe i turn 17 tomorrow! so excited!' (a/n: actual twitter name)

present time (amys birthday):

amys p.o.v.

"AMYYYYYYYYYYY WAKEYYY WAKEYYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Lily shouted down my ear jumping on top of me to wake me up.

"hey baby girl wheres bec?" i asked sitting up and pulling her into a hug.

"mummys down stairs makin breakfast you need to get dressed and come down!" she shouted running out of the room and down the stairs. yes. she calls bec her mummy but from now on shev is. lily dosent no any better so we (me and bec) decided to tell lily bec was her mum, i got up and ran to my closet and picked out white high-waisted shorts and a peach blouse which i tooked in to the shorts then i put my white converse on with them. i applyed a small amont of make up, a little light foundation a small amount of blush and mascara. then i went down stairs and into the kitchen.

"morning bec how are you on this fine morning?" i asked as i sat at the island

"fine how do you feelnow that your 17?" she asked with a huge smile on her face.

"fine i still feel the same other than the fact i actually get to do something for it this year unlike everyother year" i said returning her smile and digging in to the plate of pancakes drowned in syrup.

"so what are your plans for today?" she asked

"well i was hoping that we could go shopping this morning have some dinner then go to the cinema then i will go to nialls and see the boys and might end up staying there the night if thats okay with you?" i asked hopfully because i really wanted to spend an even amount of time with lilly and bec as i did with the boys because this day only comes arounf once a year so if i spend until around four/five with bec and lily then spend the night with the guys then i could come home in the morning and everything will go back to normal.

"sure and you presents and cards that people have sent and off my and lil are in the living room while you open them i will go and get myself and lily ready then we will go." she said

"wait i actually go presents?" i asked shocked

"yes there off family i changed your adress and informed all your family where you now lived and i found out that your old parents hid them from you and kept them for themselfs." she said in a t of a annoyed way.

"i dont care at least im happy now i have everything i need i have friends i found my brother and my blood family i have lily but most of all i have you! if it wasnt for you i would be knowhere i would have know one and i would be in pain 24/7. i ow you everything !" i said grabbing her into as hug. then i ran out of the room into the living room. i stopped there was abut 12 presents and 15-20 cards. i opened the cards first. and i ended up with £375 and i still had one left to open that was off bec and lily but i decided to leave theres and open them with them i moved on to the presents. i got a set of green beats, a new set of ear rings and a matching bracelet and loads more all i had left was a big bag and a small box and the card off bec and lily they soon arrived and i opened the card first that had £50 in it which brought my money total to £425 a gave her a hug and opened the big bag first and it had the most amazingest dress i head ever saw. it was peach, strapless, tight at the top and puffs out from under the bust and it goes to about an inch above the knee. also in the bag was i neckless with my name on it in gold then a peach pair of heels. they were all gorgeous i hugged them both again and opened the small bag and i was a bit confused and shocked. "what are these for?" i asked shocked holding up the keys

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