chapter 21

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Liam's p.o.v.

I really hope this plan works because non of us actually meant to forget about Amy and to be honest I don't know how we did after everything.

I don't know how me and zayn did after what she told us, how Harry did after there history, how Louis did with her being his sister and I also don't know why niall didn't mention anything to us?

we will start the plan from tomorrow when rehearsals start but for now me and the lads better get home.

"lads we need to go it is getting late and well we have had a very long day..." I spoke awkwardly but strictly to tell them they don't have a choice. all the lads stood up and started walking out the door. "we will see you tomorrow Lauren." she nodded.

"Liam..." and stopped and looked back at her "erm even though she reacted badly to seeing use I'm sure she's actually glad to see you all of you your just gonna have to let her come around on the idea I mean it is Amy we're talking about we both know she can't hold a grudge on anyone." I nodded but before I could reply zayn was back in the door way "go just remember what I said" Lauren walked over to her bag and I walked out to the car with zayn.

"what did Lauren say?" Louis asked as soon as I got into car. I might as well just tell him the truth but it might get his hopes up.

"her exact words were erm even though she reacted badly to seeing us I'm sure she's actually glad to see us all of us were just gonna have to let her come around on the idea I mean it is Amy we're talking about we all know she can't hold a grudge on anyone." They all nodded and for the rest of the ride we were all in silence, well until Harry spoke. "Liam, Zayn..."

"yeah?" we both replied.

"What did Amy tell you that was so important that use SHOULDN'T of been able to forget her over?"

me and zayn looked at each other with worried expressions.

"should we say?" he said

"I don't really see why not she was going to tell them when she next saw them any way?" I said and he nodded.

"well.... she'd been getting texts and letters telling her to be careful with everything she does they go into a lot more detail than that but we don't even know if she still gets them..." I explained

"Why did she only tell use two and not us?" niall asked.

"Well she didn't exactly tell us we found some of the letters and we made her explain to us she said she was gonna tell use just after the X factor so she didn't worry use an I just can't believe we forgot I remember that we were worried sick the first like three to four weeks then the stress built up and we slowly started forgetting and I really really regret it now" zayn said with tears coming to his eyes.

"By more detail you mean threatening her don't you!?!" Lou said with regret clear in his voice. We both nodded sheepishly and he groaned putting his head in his hands. "We actually arranged to go back but we forgot I remember Simon said he wanted to sign us and we all lost thought and well we need to get our story straight before we see her..." Lou continued.

"guys do you think she's dating this George guy?" niall asked looking slightly upset.

"niall one it's George's Shelley just ask him and two I also heard he's with Selena now..." Louis answered this made him relax a little I just really hope Laurens right and all goes well we really didn't mean to hurt her....

the next day

Amy's p.o.v.

I had woke up early this morning and I was now back at mine and Laurens apartment. I know that she's going to talk to me about the boys an I know that I need to forgive them but all I want to know is why?

why me?

what did I do?

it isn't like I stopped texting and ringing them I never did well that was until they got different phone's because some how there old numbers got leaked.

What can I say I got annoyed and may or may not have sent it to all of my contacts... but then again maybe I didn't no one will every know.

"Hey Amy the boys sent other there new album and they even put little sticky notes on who wrote what song!!" Lauren shouted. What got her so excited? I thought she hated them like me?

"they only want us to listen to right now, better than words, does he know and half a heart..." she shouted in once again as I made my way to her bedroom.

"who wrote what song?" I asked not really bothered.

(A/N: I can't remember who wrote what song but it's for the stories sake)

"Right now and half a heart was Niall, Louis was better than words and zayn wrote does he know... there's also a little note for you here" she finished as I sat down next to her.

"Great a pity note." I shyed and put it on to the table by Lauren grabbed it giving it back to me while giving me a look that says read-it-or-I'm-gonna-stab-you, she only doe that look when it's important.

I opened the note and it read....

Dear Amy,

Wow your actually reading this erm well hey it's Zayn here and I would like you to know that me and niall wrote does he know and well it's based on you and if you remember what Louis told you three years back on your birthday then you should get what's going on and well I should be honest here Niall didn't forget you this is how we managed to write the song I actually had no idea who the song was about while writings it until Niall told me, ;) I won't tell Louis about your little mark!

Any way I would really like it if you could meet up with me and Niall at the Starbucks in the mall at three it will only be us it would mean the world to us and well I haven't told Niall so he would love the 'SURPRISE' because he's a bit down at the minute thinking you and George Shelley are a thing but we told him that we heard about George and Selena but he's still a bit iffy with the topic...

Please show up there's something I think you should know and also it will help your agent out a lot....

Thanks for reading

Love You


I sat back and pressed play on the stereo.


author's note:

thanks for reading sorry I haven't updated in a while there's a lot going on

please vote/comment/follow thanks again

goodbye for now update really soon I promise x

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