chapter 1

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I woke up to sound of alarm I short out of bed and turned it of before it woke my dad and got dressed into my uniform and got Lily ready it was now 7:45 so I had to get Lily to her day care so I wouldn't be late. so I grabbed my bag and Lily and left locking the door behind me.

I arrived at school just on the bell for form! great 20 minutes of Harry!!!

when I walked into form everyone was already there so I went and sat at the back and got my I phone out and started to text niall

"look it obvious that she's fake texting who would she have to text even her own mum and dad hate her!" Harry shouted to make sure I heard. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled at a text niall sent me

'hey funny bunny how are you today have them childish immature twats said out yet? don't take no shit off any of then if they have when I'm down I will sort them all out for you!!! xxxxxx <3'

"she's laughing at us Harry!" a blond Bimbo who's name I don't know shouted so Harry would notice "is she now? she doesn't have the guts! she is probably watching teletubies or tweenies on her phone ignore her!" he shouted. just as another text off niall came through 'eww just wait till I get a hold of the little cunt he's not gonna no what hit him has he said anything else today?' I told him what happened then sent it just as the bell went off I shot up and ran out of from to the performance hall for drama forgetting Harry's in my drama before I went in so sick by ne-yo started to play on my phone it was my ring tone for niall he asked me to learn it. I picked up my phone


'hey hunny ino your lesson starts in a second but I just had to make sure your okay can't bear the fought that your sad'

'aww don't worry niall everything Is fine I will ring you at break to tell you about drama and that cunt as you refer to him' i couldn't help but laugh

'okay funny bunny speak to you In 100 minutes bye!' he shouted. hanging up. I can't wait to meet him in person. "so who's this niall an why does he refer to me as a cunt!" I voice said angrily behind me I turned around oh crap Harry heard me on the phone no what do I say! "erm... because you are one and he's a friend not like that's got anything go do with you!" I shout back at him walking into the lesson and sitting at the top of the stands thinking he would sit with his friend at the bottom and I thought wrong way wrong he carried on walking until he was right infront of me. GREAT THIS IS JUST GREAT! "I don't know where you got your sudden confidence boost on but no one has ever talked to me like that before!"he shouted. "well your one lucky bastard then ain't you because I get it off you every day and I have since the first ever form in year 7!" I shouted trying to hold back the tears. his face changed to a unreadable expression. "now If you don't mind I would like to sit alone!" I said softer this time. he surprisingly did as I asked and went and sat on the row above his friend not talking to anybody! "okay class today you have to work in groups of 3 and I have already chosen them and no one is changing!" miss Cooper our drama teacher shouted walking into the room. miss Cooper is so pretty. she started to read out the list when she said my group my name was first. "Amy, will and Harry!" great I'm with Harry and his friend!


authors note

thanks for reading I will update again soon and hope you enjoy the cliff hanger!


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