(Chapter 5) The Things That Went Unsaid Resurface

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NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name

(y/fn)=your first name

(y/ec)=your eye color

(y/hc)=your hair color

(y/hl)=your hair length

(y/w)=your weight

(y/fc)=your favorite color


The week of the sunshine city performance was upon you. To combat the media attention Kyo and you were forced to go on multiple shows and release pictures together. In between fake displays of public affection Kyo and (y/fn) did their own things. Kyo preformed shows with his brothers and got attacked by girls while (y/fn) was posing on the cover of some magazine.

Meanwhile Shizuo was out on the town dealing with another job. He had just gotten finished beating the shit out of a man for refusing to pay Tom. Fixing his clip on bow tie Shizuo put a cigarette in between his lips and just as he was about to light it...

"Shizuo, I have another question about (y/fn)..."

Shizuo's eye twitched. This was probably the millionth question Tom had asked about the girl Shizuo had been trying to forget.

"What was her favorite thing to eat at lunch?"

Shizuo sighed and pried into the suppressed memories vaulted in his head.

"She rarely ate lunch... She always said she had to watch her weight if she wanted to be a big shot model... But on the days she did eat...," The fake blonde trailed off as he remembered watching you pig out on certain days.

"... She could eat a whole damn city."

"Man I'd pay serious money just to touch the wrapper of a burger she ate seven years ago...," Tom weirdly fantasized.

"Well if I had known that I would of saved the ones she chunked at me," Shizuo suppressed the urge to giggle at memories of balls of foil smacking him in the head.

Tom noticed, "Shizuo... Did you like (y/fn)-chan?"

Shizuo blew off the meaning of the question, "everyone liked her she was really popular."

"No, I mean did you like her..."

Shizuo paused. Then ignored Tom and kept walking. They entered Russian Sushi for their usual lunch order.

"Shizuooo," the Black Russian bellowed.

"Yo Simon."

"I hear your girlfriend is performing at Sunshine City tonight!"

"She's not my girlfriend."

"I got tickets to see the show! You should come and reconnect," Tom suggested.

Shizuo stared off into space as he awaited his food.


--- (y/fn) time skip ---

You had just finished the routine to the song and nailed every part.

"Perfect sweetie! You nail those moves like that tonight and you'll be a bigger sensation than you already are," your manager cooed.

You were ushered out of the dance room. Once out you walked to your hotel room. It was the largest room of the hotel sitting at the 21st floor.

You peeled the sweaty work out shirt off your body and took a shower.

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