(Chapter 20) Love is a Powerful Drug Vs Drugged In Love

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NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name
            (y/fn)=your first name
            (y/ec)=your eye color
            (y/hc)=your hair color
            (y/hl)=your hair length
            (y/w)=your weight
            (y/fc)=your favorite color
(y/sc)= your skin color

--- flash back ---

It was atop the roof of Riara Academy that two students had created a home.

The spot was usually a hidden sanctuary a peaceful place to eat lunch; a place to exclude yourself from the usual hustle and bustle of school, even a place where a particular informant enjoyed spying.

However since meeting Shizuo Heiwajima atop the roof it was only natural that (y/fn) find the place with him a sort of excluded enchanted sanctuary for the two only.

They had grown much closer since the day they first met. Skipping class to spend time on the roof together became a sort of routine.

Except a new item had evolved out of this routine. They went from talking about anything and everything because nothing mattered, to laying separately on the sun warmed concrete just to gaze at the blue Ikebukuro Sky, and eventually these days melted into naps. It was with each nap on top of the roof that the space between them evaporated into the sky itself and left them to invade each other's personal space.

(y/fn) was now laying beside Shizuo because it came naturally. The blonde had a tinge of pink in his cheeks, however he hid it by turning his face to the sun and allowing the warmth in his face to belong to the sun's rays rather than the feelings (y/fn) made him feel.

The girl was on her side. An arm tucked under her head. Her uniform blazer served as a blanket under her body to give her a cushion on the concrete. Her other hand was sneakily tracing up Shizuo's blazer. Her fingers drawing circles and trailing the lines of the blue fabric. He didn't seem to mind though.

His honey eyes bore into the blue sky and his face bathed in the sun as his white dress shirt under the blazer he wore fluttered when the wind passed over them. His newly dyed strands of blonde reflected and refracted in the sun creating tinged of sparkling gold to form. His arms were tucked under his head giving him a perfectly relaxed look and feel, something he found hard to come by.

The girl took in all of his features with her (y/ec) eyes. The orbs scanning him as to not miss a single detail. He didn't mind though. He'd rather her see him like this than the monster he viewed himself as.

So he allowed her to continue to toy with his blazer and eventually her delicate hand found its way into the thicket of his fake blonde hair. He flinched at the first touch. However he liked it, the way her fingers got lost in his hair made his mind get lost too. It was peaceful like rubbing a dog behind the ear.

And with each slip of her fingers into his hair his conscious slipped a little too.

Eventually though, her voice lingered into the air, her voice was an elegant sound that made him feel as though the wind itself was whispering to him.

However unknown to the tamed monster, she broke the tranquil silence for a reason. There was an aching feeling she got in her heart each time she got closer to him. Each time she even looked at him. Her heart rushed into a blood pumping frenzy. Her cheeks would heat instantaneously. It was the kind of feeling that made the perfect girl question if she was really perfect. She wondered if he ever felt this way too... But towards her... What was this feeling?

Is this how she made the boys who adored her feel? It was kind of terrible to feel like this. To secretly wish for more but at the same time wish for it to end. Then to find that the person who makes you feel this way doesn't feel that way... What a painful rejection. She couldn't imagine the pain of rejection.

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