(Chapter 16) Everyone Has Their Own Savior

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NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name
(y/fn)=your first name
(y/ec)=your eye color
(y/hc)=your hair color
(y/hl)=your hair length
(y/w)=your weight
(y/fc)=your favorite color

--- Shizuo's point of view ---

Shizuo had fallen asleep on his couch. He was shirtless, his pale chest muscles flexing in the rippling moonlight. An empty bottle of whiskey and an empty gallon of milk was strewn around him. Various cup cake wrappers laid in his lap. A bag of frosted animal cookies off to his side in a sea of cigarette butts. Frosting hung in the corner of his nude pink lips. His blonde hair framing his resting face.

Shizuo was not resting peacefully on the couch. His brow was furrowed and his eyeballs were rolling behind his eyelids. His fingers involuntary twitched as his chest heaved up and down.

Shizuo Heiwajima was trapped in a nightmare.

--- inside the mind of Shizuo ---

"Get up!"

"Get up!"

"Get up god dammit!"

Shizuo was yelling at himself.

His body felt broken there was no pain, yet something was terribly wrong.

And the noise, the noises all around . All around him he could hear it. He could hear someone!

Screams upon screams upon screams.

Yells that could rattle the jungle. Screams nearing the roar of a lion.

They belonged to a girl, he made that much out. They were screams of help, of sacrifice, a final plea with the devil himself.

These screams rattled Shizuo's bones yet for some reason he couldn't move from a face down position. He couldn't seem to drag his head out of what felt like lukewarm milk.  It was thick and creamy a metallic scent he picked up in his struggles to move.

Yet he could not see. All around him was darkness.

Even without his sight his senses were flooded.

Those screams.
Those endless screams.
Those endless female screams.

He wanted to so badly help this screamer, save this woman.

Someone needed to save her! And that someone is him!

Yet his body didn't work, his body didn't move his mind could only yell,

"Get up!"

*screams could be heard*

"Get up dumbass!"

*more screams*


*an almost deafening scream rose*

"Why can't I get up!?"

He was trying so desperately to control  his untamable body.

Yet there was nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

He could only lay there helplessly as an even more helpless victim cried out one last time.

The last roaring screech he heard made his memories rise.

That tone. That pitch. Those vague vocals before another bellowing scream.

Is it really who he thinks it is?

It can't be? Is it?

Is it really her?

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