(Chapter 24) Beautiful Morning

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NOTE: (y/ln)=your last name
(y/fn)=your first name
(y/ec)=your eye color
(y/hc)=your hair color
(y/hl)=your hair length
(y/w)=your weight
(y/fc)=your favorite color
            (y/sc)= your skin color

--- Shizuo's point of view ---

It had been a long day of work. Shizuo was tired. His muscles ached and he wanted nothing more than to go home.

He walked up the stairs to his apartment, dragging his feet every step of the way.

His feet padded on the cracking concrete steps until finally he reached the door to his own apartment.

Tiredly but eagerly he kicked open his door.

He burst into the room.

"Yo, (y/fn) I'm ho-"

His heart quickened pace, pupils dilated, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped as blush attacked his cheeks.

There she was. Awaiting him patiently. Standing sweetly in a sort of unsure seductive style. Her head a bit lowered and tilted as she stared at him with large sparking (y/ec) puppy dog eyes. Her lips pressed like a child begging for candy, yet she was much much more sensual than any sort of innocent comparison. Her (y/hl) (y/hc) billowing around her catching the light of the setting sun that haloes his high rise apartment form the window.
She was clad in barely anything. An apron. A simple cream colored apron. He could see the outline of her naked curvy figure through the creases and folds of the cooking cloth. It made blush flood his skin and testosterone began to course through him. She rubbed her knees together nervously. Her bare, (y/sc) legs fully exposed to his overstimulated eyes.

The apron stopping barely over her womanhood, leaving much yet little to his imagination at the same time.

Her hands were outstretched. The goddess was presenting to him a homemade cake.

It sat perfectly on the platter held up by her hands. It was frosted to perfection.

He wasn't sure which looked more delicious, her or the cake. Yet he was increasingly craving her more than food.

His tiredness had long since been forgotten....

"Welcome home Shizuo," she cooed.

He stared at her still awestruck.

"I baked you a cake," her heavenly voice rang out.

He smirked, growing increasingly confident because of his increasing sex drive.

He took one towering step towards her.

Then another.

He was closer... But not close enough.

So he moved forward again.

His feet creaking the floor boards was the only sound between them.

Then he took another step...

Finally he was towering infront of her, drinking in her beauty. Noticing the light tinge that dusted her Apple cheeks. Noticing the bare cleveage pouring out behind the apron, and the tie wrapped around her neck holding the apron faintly around her naked frame...

He moved forward leaving a sliver of space between them...

"Would you like to eat it," she asked him almost teasingly.

He said nothing. He dipped his index finger into the icing of the cake, coating his finger in the sweet whipped sugar.

Rather than bringing it to his mouth for a taste... He swiped his index finger across the tip of her nose.

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