A-z of fears

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Acrophobia- fear of heights.

Aerophobia- fear of flying.

Agoraphobia- fear of public space.

Ailurophobia- fear of cats.

Amathophobia- fear of dust.

Arachnophobia- fear of spiders.

Astrapophobia- fear of lighting.

Claustrophobia- fear in closed spaces.

Emetophobia- fear of vomiting.

Ereuthophobia- fear of blushing.

Genophobia- fear of sex.

Haematophobia- fear of blood.

Keraunophobia-fear of thunder.

Microphobia- fear of germs/ small things.

Mysophobia- fear of dirt.

Nyctophobia- fear of the dark.

Ochlophobia- fear of crowds.

Ornithophobia- fear of birds.

Pathophobia- fear of disease.

Pnigophobia- fear of choking.

Pteronophobia- fear of feathers.

Pyrophobia- fear of fire.

Triskaedkaphobia- fear of the number thirteenth.

Xenophobia-fear of strangers.

Zoophobia- fear of animals.

Kainonophobia- fear of changes.

Pistanthrophobia- the fear of trusting people due to past experiences with relationships gone bad.

Atelphobia-fear of imperfections.

Mephobia- fear of becoming so awesome that the human race can't handle it and everybody dies.

Hypopherina- a feeling of sadness seemingly without a cause.

Philophobia- the fear of being in love and falling in love.

Thantophobia- the fear of losing someone you love.

Atelophobia- the fear of not being good enough.

Athazagoraphobia- the fear of forgetting.

Sorry towards the end they got out of order but whatever lol try to say some of these phobias I tried and it didn't work out so well.

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