Poem #2

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His eyes were stars that I'd gazed upon since I was a little girl
The wishful gaze that I'd fallen love with as time passed
His lips were the beauty in my desolate universe
His embrace was what warmed my icy heart

He was my idea of perfection
His long stride, how he moved gracefully over the ground
His gentle touch, as if he was touching something fragile
His mending words, that brought me to life

I fell in love with an angel
I longed for his wings to be my shield
His arms to be my home
His smile to be my reassurance

But behind that gentle smile, those starry eyes
Was pain that I could never imagine
And as his life slowly broke him piece by piece
I watched his wings fade away

The smile I wished to see everyday
Was gone forever
Those endless orbs that held the universe
Were now dull and hopeless

That beautiful laugh that had drawn me in from the start
Was now forced and weak
It tore me apart to see my angel dying
And I could do nothing but hold him and cry for him

For years, he ached.
He never got better, never mended himself
Only let gravity bring him further down
And my grasp was too feeble

And he disappeared
With a rope and a note
With blood and a tear
He vanished from my life

I don't imagine him how I saw him last
Dead and cold
I imagine the angel I fell in love with
With those endless starry eyes

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