That was officially the worst night of my life. First of all, I guess all of the drunk people in the world decided to ride there motorcycles down our street screaming curse words.
Second, my brother was in the other room playing on his Xbox 360. All I heard him say was "Yeah!" Or "I'm just boss like that!" But he also screamed "What!" And "Sure kid. You think your cool."
And third, stupid boats kept honking their horns right outside past the beach. Do they know I need my beauty sleep? Whatever.
"Good morning." My mom told as I grabbed some bacon off the table. I chowed down on some toast and eggs and got my bathing suit on.
Scooter was super exited to play that morning. Too exited...
As soon as I opened the screen door he shot out like a bullet and ran down the board walk. I chased him down til we got to the sand.
I watched scooter for awhile, then I sat in a beach chair. "Excuse me." I looked up and saw heaven. A boy about six feet tall with Carmel brown hair stood there.
"Excuse me. Excuse me. M'mam?" I finally was snapped out of dream land. "Yeah?" I nerviously questioned. "Your dog is trying to eat those kids boxers." I looked over. Sadly that guy was right, Scooter was over there munching on that persons pants.
"No! Scooter bad boy!" I rushed over and grabbed him by the collar. "Sorry-" I hesitated "Oh! I'm Blake."
"I'm Jaina. And this is Scooter. Sorry about that. He doesn't usually go for pants. Mostly trash bags."
"Oh that's fine. I don't think it did any harm. Bye." I watched as he left my heart sank. Wow I thought he would at least talk more.
I walked Scooter home and we ate some dinner and hung out for the rest of the day.

My Days With Scooter
AdventureThis book is of the glorious days with an amazing pup named Scooter. I hope this story is great!