Scooter's Arrival

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8 Months Later...

Today was the day, Scooter was finally coming home! I woke up this morning with a smile on my face.

I have missed Scooter, and certain things have reminded me of him. For example, December 24 is his birthday, and I didn't get to see him.

Also, we still have all of his toys sprawled out around the house. It looked like he never left, but sadly he did.

No worries! He is coming back today! The trainer said she would be here around 1:30 and it was already 11:05. (I slept in.)

I skipped to the kitchen and got some leftover pizza for the fridge. Afterwards, I got dressed and did my hair.

"It's 1:15 Jaina! Are you exited!" my mom said as I finished brushing my teeth. I sat down and watched TV until I heard a knock at the door. It was completely silent for at least 5 seconds. I looked around for my mom and raced to the door. I tripped over the couch and nearly fell into the door.

I was expecting the lady giving me my dog back, but instead my brother stood there. I moaned and slammed the door in his face.

Two seconds later, another knock. "I'm going upstairs." He said as he pushed past me. "Oh. By the way, there's a lady outside waiting for you."

My heart skipped a beat. I screamed for my mom and sprinted outside.

The woman introduced herself and told us that Scooter is here. I jumped with joy squeeling.

Suddenly, her van slid open and out came a big golden dog.

Scooter was big now, all grown up. He sat down in front of all of us.

The lady started screaming commands to him and he did everything she said.

It was amazing to see him home again.

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