Chapter 7

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Marley is really hurt...

Don't worry about her. Didn't you hear her? She is fine.

She always says that. She could be half dead, laying in a pool of her own blood and she would say she is fine.

Just concentrate on your work. You will see her tonight...

She said she was beat up. By who? She can hold her own so who would want to beat her up... 

Nan laughed to herself. 

Everyone wants to beat her up but who would actually do it? 

Nan heard footsteps walking through the wing. "Ah, Nan, there you are. I was looking for you."

Nan turned around and saw Harry walking in. She smiled. "I am where I always am at this time. What is it you want?" She asked nicely.

"Well, first I just wanted to tell you congratulations on figuring out that migraine problem. You saved her life." He was having a hard time looking her in the eyes.

"Thank you. You helped me tremendously." Nan smiled, but then stopped, remembering Marley. She sat down on a stool, frowning.

"Are you okay?" Harry walked over, touching her shoulder. "What is bothering you?"

"Oh nothing." Nan said, shrugging the situation off but then brought it back up. "Well, actually it is Marley."

"You mean that rude, arrogant Intel girl?" Harry clarified.

"She isn't that rude and arrogant..." Nan muttered.

"Sorry. She just can't hold herself back by telling me how dumb I am." He chuckled a little and sat down next to Nan.

"It isn't her fault. She does have an IQ of 180. Everyone is dumber than her, except for maybe Sherlock Holmes but he is dead." Nan looked at Harry.

"So, why are you worried about her?"

"She has been acting differently. She was usually emotionless and cold towards all feelings but now it is almost if she is acting tough and arrogant to push aside a feeling. When I saw her in the hallway, she said that she was loosing her mind. She had that 'fear of God' look in her eyes. She has been waking up screaming or sweating almost every night from nightmares that she tries to hide from me but obviously can't. When she is asleep, she has the nightmares, and when she is awake, she paces around the room, muttering to herself. She has been getting more angry with people and today she was beat up. She, Marley, was beat up today. It seems as though she is more vulnerable. She has something on her mind and it is taking over her thoughts. She can't finish sentences and she seems scatter brained which is never the case with her. I have no idea what to do." Nan finished and at that time, she had tears dripping down her face.

"Please don't cry Nan." Harry gently wiped a tear from Nan's cheek. "Marley will be fine. Trust me. It is Marley! She always wins. She might just be in a slump. I saw her today. She looked tired and horrible. I remember you telling me that she never sleeps and barely eats. That might be taking a tole on her."

"I told her to sleep and every time she does try to sleep, she is woken up by a nightmare. She won't even explain it to me!"

"We will figure it out. Don't worry." Harry put an arm around Nan as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." Nan whispered. 

"You remember that substance you made that knocked someone out for six hours? The one you have to drink?"

Nan nodded. "Yeah."

"Use that on her. Mix it with water and have her drink it. She will be asleep in an instant. Nightmares won't have a chance of waking her up on that stuff."

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