Chapter 21

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Nan and Marley walked out of the medical wing, drinking a clear,thick liquid that was supposed to provide all the nourishment they just lost mere minutes ago.

"Man Marley. And hour twenty, that is impressive." Nan smiled and looked at Marley who was staring at her. "What?'

"Nan, we need to stay apart for awhile... for your safety." Marley whispered as they walked down the hallway. As they got to the crossing where they would part ways, Marley stopped and looked into Nan's eyes. "This has gotten really serious all of a sudden Nan. They are planning to kill us. It's official now. All they have to do now is carry it out." Nan opened her mouth to speak. "No. Just listen. This is not out of pity for myself. This is for your safety, but not only your safety. I'm not that good of a person. I don't want to die either so don't think you can be all noble and say that you will die with me because I don't want to die. Just do what you've been doing and we'll met at lunch in two days. I have a plan." Marley and Nan kept walking until they stopped at an intersection of hallways. Marley glanced up at the camera in the corner, trying to show Nan that there was one.

Nan looked at her watch. "It's almost eight. I'm going to supper. You?"

"I'm going into my office to type up a unit report." Marley started walking down the hallway towards her office when Nan touched her shoulder. "Yes?"

"We are going to make it through this. We always make it through these things. Okay?" Nan whispered.

"Okay. Have a nice supper." Marley turned and walked away, leaving Nan all by herself in the middle of the hallway. Marley felt the exhaustion set in as she made her way closer to her office.

You need sleep.

I know. I am sleeping when I get into my office.

Good plan. What about the unit report?

Screw the unit report.

When she opened up the door, the lights were off. Marley made her way to the light switch, navigating through the darkness. As Marley's hand touched the switch, she was grabbed from behind. Marley screamed out, but her cries were muffled by a strong hand. She was pulled away from the wall and thrown against her desk. Marley slammed against her desk roughly, hitting her shoulder against the corner of the desk. Marley crumbled to the ground, holding her aching shoulder, pressing her face against the floor to try to brace the pain running down her left arm.

"Marley, Marley, Marley. What have you done?" Her attacker walked up to her and grabbed ahold of her shirt, pulling her up, making Marley hang from her collar, her feet dragging on the ground.

She looked at the man holding her but she couldn't make it out.

"No answer?" He threw Marley agaisnt her desk again, this time pinning her to it, her back pressed against the cold wood. Marley squinted, trying to make out his face when the door opened, casting light into the room. Marley saw, then who it was.

"Why is it always you?" Marley questioned.

"Because it brings me great joy to watch you suffer. And to think that I have a little part in your destruction. It helps me sleep at night." He smirked.

"Okay. I understand that. I get it. I just, can you do one thing for me?" Marley asked, letting her exhaustion shine through.


"No knives tonight, okay?" I ran that whole course in an hour twenty, after your little session that you did only hours before. I have only had about twelve hours of sleep in the past week and that is being generous. Just get this done quick. Yeah Picasso?"

Picasso smirked. "Of course. Anything for you. It will just give me more time to prepare for the next session."

"Now now Picasso. Don't taunt her. She knows she doesn't have a lot of time left. You know, that thing you are doing for Nan is very honorable. Pathetic on your part because I thought you worked alone, but still honorable none the less." Moriarty motioned to Picasso who punched Marley in the stomach, making her cough and try to bring her knees to her chest. He walked closer to Marley. "Frankly it makes me sick. I've had enough now!" Moriarty sung out. "I'm starting to get bored. You have four days left to get your goodbyes in order. I mean, how many do you actually have? You already said goodbye to Anna."

"Her name is Nan. How hard is it to get that..." Marley was hit in the face, sending her to the ground. She laid on the ground of her office, trying to gather herself.

"Get up. You are acting pathetic. I've hit you harder than that."

"I know." Marley slowly said. "It's the lack of sleep, plus the constant contact with idiots. It really takes a lot out of you. You should know. You hang out with these two." Marley slowly got to her hands and knees, only to get yanked up but the collar of her shirt. She was then shoved into the wall. Moriarty walked up to her, smirking.

"You have four days and if you tell Anna about this, she will die. She is innocent. She just got involved with the wrong person. We have ways to wipe her memory. Don't be the cause of her death." He then snapped at Picasso who slammed Marley's head into the wall, making her body slump into his arms. Picasso let her go, having her crumble to the ground. Marley looked up at the dark figures that were Picasso and Moriarty and tried to get up, but she couldn't move. Marley swallowed back the bile rising in her throat as she tried to reach for Moriarty. She shakily dragged her hand over the floor, her head resting on the cold concrete floor. She felt her blood pool around her head as she started losing conciousness. The darkness started collapsing on her as she gasped out, reaching towards Moriarty in a panicky manner. Moriarty took a step to the side, just out of Marley's reach. Marley cried out in angst and fear.

"Marley, this is just the start. You think you've been in Hell? You are sadly mistaken. Welcome to Hell Marley." Moriarty stepped over Marley and laughed, walking out of the room, leaving Picasso alone with Marley.

Picasso pulled out his little dagger that he always keeps with him and smirked, kneeling towards Marley.

Marley shaked as she tried to move away from him. She could barely move her head up by herself as Picasso grasped onto her left wrist, holding it up. Marley opened up her mouth to speak. "Y-y-you...s-" Marley couldn't speak her fears.

"I know, I know. I promised. But guess what Marley..." He leaned down to Marley's ear, whispering in it. "I am a bad guy. I lie." With that, Picasso slit Marley's throat.

Marley gasped, her eyes wide, as she grasped her bleeding neck.

"It is shallow. I haven't cut your carotid artery. Just a little cut... a warning, perhaps, of what is to come."

Picasso rested Marley's head on the ground, her vision closing in on her. She could barely make out his face anymore. It was just a shape.

He looked at her wrist and sighed, resting it on his cheek. "Your heartbeat is so soothing... So calm." He pulled it away from his cheek and lightly traced his dagger along her wrist.

Marley's heartrate quickened, her fear seaping in. Tears welled up in her eyes as she tried to pull away from Picasso.

"Tsk tsk. No no. Stop fighting... Stop Fighting!" Picasso roared, cutting into her wrist, having Marley writh in pain and cry out weakly. Picasso gently set Marley's arm down at her side and stood up, wiping his dagger on her white blouse and tucking it into his waist band. "Sorry for losing my cool. I apologize. My excitement got the best of me. Now, I must be off and you should get some sleep. You banged your head pretty bad. I'll see you tomorrow. We have a lot of fun planned out. Catch you later!" Picasso walked out of the room, leaving Marley bleeding on the ground.

Marley quietly cried out, painfully rolling into her stomach. She leaned on her right hand but it slipped, sending her to the ground. Marley slowly looked at her hand and noticed it dripping in her blood. Marley gasped, reaching for her neck, feeling her wound oozing blood. Marley couldn't fight the darkness anymore and fell into unconciousness.

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