Chapter 27

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Marley felt ice cold water wash over her as she was violently woken up. Marley gasped as the air was taken from her. She tried to sit up but her broken ribs and stab would sent sharp waves of pain through her. Marley laid on her back, slightly tilted as to not lay on her hands. Moriarty walked into view, wiping his hands on a kerchief. "What time is it?" Marley asked quietly, feeling her ribs move as she breathed. Marley knew it couldn't have been long since she was still alive. She hadn't bled out just yet. 

"Don't worry. We still have plenty of time before you die." Moriarty bent down next to Marley's face and stared at her without emotion. "Picasso, did you bring the rope?"

 Marley thought his voice was coming through water. She tried to focus on Moriarty's stare but her mind kept wandering. Where was she? Marley looked at Moriarty with a confused expression, not fully understanding what was going on. 

Focus on details. Focus.

She saw Moriarty's kercheif. There was a cursive 'M' on it. His suit was his favorite brand: Westwood. His shoes were new, only one slight crease where the toes bent. His hair had been recently cut within the day, there were pieces of cut hair on his collar. His nails were trimmed and he had on a new watch but of the exact brand as before. But what did that mean? Marley tried to concentrate but everything slipped away.

"Why so shaky Marley dear? Nervous?" Moriarty reached down and brushed a piece of hair out of her face.

Marley looked past Moriarty's shoulder towards the darkness as Picasso moved quickly and quietly to gather his equipment. "What is he doing?" Marley questioned.

Moriarty smirked. "Oh my. It seems like someone is going to shock." Marley tried to sit up but her head throbbed, the blood pounding in her ears. "No no. Stay down."

Marley wanted to protest, but she got extremely nauseous and complied. 

Come on Marley. Think. Don't succumb to shock.

Marley saw Picasso strut towards her with the rope as she pulled herself out of confusion. Marley's mind kicked into overdrive as she realized where she was. Marley tried to sit up and push herself back but Moriarty quickly snapped his hand out and grabbed ahold of her ankle. "Tsk tsk. Marley love, where do you think you are going?"

Marley looked at him as she kept trying to get away. He quickly yanked on her ankle, making her fall back and bump her head. Marley closed her eyes and tried to keep herself from being sick. Marley felt herself being sat up, her body laying limp in their hands. Her wrists were freed as she was pulled up. Marley let out a shaky breath. She leaned against Moriarty's chest as he held her up effortlessly.

 She felt his breath in her ear. "Don't give up yet. It's only the beginning." Marley held her breath. He sent shivers down her spine as he ran his fingers through her hair. "It's a shame you forced our hand in this. I really enjoyed your company around here." 

Picasso had fastened her wrists together and threw the rope over the pipe overhead. Marley felt her arms pulled above her head, lifting her out of Moriarty's hold. Marley quietly cried out as her torso was stretched and her broken ribs rubbed against her lungs.

She felt her feet leave the ground, her toes barely scratching the ground. She felt someone touch her waist and whisper in her ear. "Marley Marley, look at the situation you're in. You know, I've always dreamt of tying you up." Marley moved her head away from Picasso. She held her breath as she felt his fingertips gently run across her neck and collarbone. "Your collarbone could be a weapon. It's dangerously sharp." Marley gulped. 

She felt a piece of cold metal rest on her lower back and knew that what was coming next was not going to be pleasent. It pressed against her and pulled her towards Picasso, closing the necessary distance between them. They were almost nose to nose; Marley could smell his minty breath. 

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