Chapter 6

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"Nan, I'm coming. Don't worry." Marley ran down the cobbled streets of London, the streetlamps barely giving off any light. It seemed as though every step she took towards her roommate, Nan took threes steps backwards.

"Who said anything about worrying?" Nan's voice sounded like it was coming from under water.

"What? I can't hear you!" Marley was running as fast as she could towards Nan but she kept getting farther and farther away.

Now, Marley could barely see her friend.  "Nan! Come back!" Marley slowed down when Nan finally disappeared out of her sight. Marley sat against the cold floor, rain pouring on her.

"Oh Marley..." Marley looked back towards where Nan had disappeared and noticed her walking back.

 "Nan?" Marley couldn't believe it. Was it really Nan? Marley stood up and started walking towards her when she froze. "You are not Nan."

"You are so right Marley. I am not Nan. I am your worst nightmare honey." Marley was looking at a man with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, which seemed as though they were black holes. She couldn't pull her sight away from them. He was in a black suit with navy blue pin stripes and a navy blue tie. He laughed out loud, having his voice echo off the street. Marley couldn't get out of it. It was surrounding her...

~ * ~

 "Holy crap!" Marley jerked awake, looking around her bedroom.

"Oh look. Sleeping Beauty finally woke up." Marley looked over at Nan who was sitting criss-crossed on her bed, dressed in her white scrubs.

Marley stood up hastily, trying to kick off the blanket that was trying to trip her. "Get this blasted thing off of me!" Marley tried to pull it off but stepped on the end, bringing her roughly back on the ground. Marley finally got the blanket off when she heard laughing. "What now?" She asked, frustrated.

Oh. I just think it is funny that you can figure everything out and yet a simple blanket can take you down." Nan said with a grin.

Marley stood up and sat in the chair by the table. She looked down at her arm and noticed it stitched up nicely. She then looked at her other arm and it was wrapped in gauze. She lifted her shirt up to look at her ribs and saw a massive bruise covering her from side to side. She stood up quickly but then got light headed and sat back down. She lifted her hand to her forehead and felt stitches going form her right eyebrow to her hairline. "Why does it feel like I was beat over the head with a bat?"

Nan could barely hold herself together. "Because it happened genius."

"And...and what is up with my arms? And my ribs? What the hell happened last night?"

"Use your deduction skills Miss Sherlock Holmes. You are the smartest one here with 180 IQ. Figure it out." Nan leaned against her pillow, putting her hands behind her head.

"Stop that Anna..."

"Nan. Don't even pull that with me." Nan sat up and glared at Marley.

"Oh, oh I see. You are fine about tormenting me but when I do it to you, you get all butt hurt."

 "Oh shut up."

Marley laughed but was still thinking about what had happened last night. "Nan, come on. Tell me. You know I have a concussion and if you have a concussion, you can't remember anything. You should know that... Doctor." Marley had gotten her this time.

"Oh Marley. Isn't it obvious?" She put emphasis on the word 'obvious' because she knew Marley hated having that word used on her.

 "Don' you that word on me. That is my word."

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