Chapter 22

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Four days.

Four days to make a plan.

Four days to get Nan out.

Four days.

It wasn't enough time to make a solid plan, even if she wasn't being watched like a hawk.

Marley stirred awake, her vision too blurry to see where she was. Darkness surrounded her as she shakily got up. She leaned against the wall, her legs wobbly, as she made her way along the wall, trying to find the door. Her head killed her and she felt like she was going to throw up.

Concussion Marley. Be careful. make... it to... hospital...

Marley found the light switch and flicked it on, light surging in. The light pushed Marley over the edge as she threw up, collapsing on the ground. Marley laid there and then forced herself up onto her hands and knees. She needed to get out. She crawled towards the door and pushed it open, slowly making her way into the hallway. She got up and as her eyesight came back slowly, she wobbled her way towards the medical wing. She needed morphine... A lot of it.

Marley wobbled down the hallway towards the medical wing, but not because of Nan. She needed morphine... with her headache and her with drawls, she couldn't think straight and at this point in the game, she needed every minute there was to make a plan.

Marley finally made it to the medical wing, throwing herself into the door, making it swing open, bringing Marley with it. She stumbled into the room and right into the one person she actually didn't want to see... Harry. He told Nan everything. Probably to try to make up for him crushing Nan's heart in a million pieces. If Marley didn't feel like shit, she would have punched him in his ugly mug right now.

"Marley." Harry stated, but then looked down and noticed her state. "Marley?" He helped her stand up on her feet, still drooping in his arms. "Marley? Bloody Hell. What happened? Nan!" Harry threw Marley's arm over his shoulder and helped her to one of the beds.

"Nnnooo..." Marley slurred out. "I don... n-need Na-." Marley felt stupid but she couldn't remember why she was here for. It seemed so important when she was thinking of it...

Morphine Marley.

That's right! Morphine. Marley heard footsteps echo towards her from... some position.

"Marley!" Nan yelled, although it sounded like she was under water. Everything was wavy and blurry and for some reason, she was spinning.

"Harry, stop spinning me you incompetent..." Marley forgot what she was going to say.

"Marley." Nan was now right in front of her face, looking straight at her. "What happened?"

Marley opened her mouth but nothing came out. What did happen? She couldn't even remember how she got there.

Nan reached into her lab coat pocket and brought out a little light. "Follow the light Marley." She pressed the button and the little tip glowed. Nan moved it slowly across Marley's eyes but she just looked ahead. There was no activity once-soever. Nan looked at the back of her head and saw her hair sticky with blood. "Shit." Nan muttered. "Marley, lay down."

"No! I d-d-don't need to lay d-down. I-I'm f-f-f-fine." Marley tried to get up, but Nan pushed her roughly down.

"Don't you move a muscle, or I'll strap you down. Understand?" Nan asked sternly.

Marley nodded her head but then winced and held her head.

"Okay. Harry, get the IV." Nan walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the suture supplies. "Morphine too... and a lot of it. This is going to to hurt like Hell." Nan looked at Marley and whispered, "I told you to stay out of trouble. What were you thinking?"

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