Chapter 18

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"Hurry. Grab her." Picasso and Sharp silently walked into Marley's room. Picasso walked up to Marley's bed and looked down at her. He quickly reached down, grabbing Marley by her arms and yanked her up out of bed.

"What the..." Picasso pulled her arms behind her back and clamped a hand over Marley's mouth. Marley yelled into Picasso's hand as she was pulled away from her bed.

Picasso let go of Marley's mouth and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a rag. Marley opened her mouth to yell out when Picasso covered her nose and mouth with the rag. Marley sucked in a breath and instantly got light headed. She lashed out, kicking and fidgetting in Picasso's grasp. Sharp walked forward to help Picasso out when Marley kicked him in the mouth. Sharp stumbled back holding his bloody mouth. Even though Marley's eyes started closing slowly, she still struggled but to no avail. Slowly, she lost conciousness, slumping into Picasso's arms.

"Let's bring her to the boss. He's expecting her." Picasso and Sharp dragged Marley out of her room and up to the elevator door. "Sharp, pull out your card and swipe it." Sharp fumbled with his card and swiped it, having the door open. Picasso dragged Marley into the elevator, right before the door shut.

"Do you know what he is going to do now? I mean, she hasn't really done anything against us right now." Sharp spoke up, looking down at Marley who was knocked out on the floor.

"Shut up you prat. Moriarty knows what he is doing. We don't need to know why and you most definately do not need to ask questions." Picasso looked at Sharp and then looked back, fiddling with his small dagger that he had pulled out only moments ago. "What?" Sharp had a worried look on his face. "Oh don't you worry. I am not going to stab her. I think better when I have one in my hand." The elevator dinged as the doors slid open to reveal an empty hallway that looked like a hospital's hallway. Picasso picked up Marley and threw her over his shoulder, walking quickly down the hallway towards the room where Moriarty told him to meet.

Before they got to the room, someone walked into the hallway; a teenage boy. He stopped in his tracks, pointing at Picasso. "Hey, what are you doing? Put her do..." Picasso threw the dagger, hitting him in the chest. The boy swayed on the spot for a second and then fell to the ground, dead, blood pooling around his body.

"Grab my dagger." Picasso then turned into the doorway, pulling out his card and opening up the door. He opened up the door and walked inside looking for Moriarty. Sharp shuffled in moments later.

"Hello Picasso. I trust you got her here without trouble." A voice spoke up from the shadows.

"Oh. Yes, well. A boy got in the way. I dealt with him though. Somebody needs to clean it up though..." Picasso looked toward Sharp as he motioned towards the door. Sharp nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"Set her down here." Moriarty emerged from the darkness and into the light that was being emitted from a light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

Picasso threw Marley down on the bed and looked at Moriarty. "I don't want to push any limits sir, but are you going to..."

"No. Why would I do that? There is no purpose in that. No, I am going to break into the most secured files ever... Marley's mind." Moriarty looked at Marley who was sprawled out over the bed, unconciousess. "Oh Marley. You thought the past few weeks were bad? Just you wait."

Marley shifted positions and slowly opened her eyes. It was dark in her room but she could just make out a light above her.

Wait a second. I do not have a ceiling light in my room.

Marley gasped and tried to sit up but was yanked back by the restraints on her wrists. Marley laid back down and looked up towards her wrists, noticing metal cuffs around them, connecting them to a chain that went around a metal rope. She tried to bring her arms down but they stopped at her shoulders. Marley tried moving her legs but the same set up was there also.

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