The Promise

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Simon's POV
I froze.
"That can't be possible! I'm a boy, a man! This shouldn't happen!" I raged.
"Calm down Simon! You'll be fine, but why you?"
"What do you mean why me? Was there a prophecy about this?"
"No." She replied calmly. "You are different and I want to know why."
"But I don't know anything about pregnancy! It's impossible!" I knew nothing about it but I'm expected to go through the experience!
"Your going to be fine. The only things is the father." Baz oh no, Baz is the father. How is he going to react to the news.
"Baz, how am I meant to tell him? It's not like I'm going to go up to him and announce: we are having a baby!"
"Your gonna be fine, just wait, you'll find the right moment."
"Yes Simon?"
"Would you help me- and eventually Baz?"
"Yes, very much. But we should keep this from him, who knows how he's gonna react."
I hold out my pinky, we use to do these back at school, if we had to keep a secret from anyone else or that we would rely on each other for help.
"You promise to help me through these 7 months-"
"Nine months"
"- Nine months of pregnancy and through child birth, also helping me with Baz and helping Baz himself."
"I promise Simon." We link pinkies and shake.
I walk through the door, full of blood. The kitchen clock says its about 6 in the evening. I hear a sniff and walk into the sitting room with Penny and Simon clutching a mug of tea in their hands, I sit down next to Simon on the sofa and he leans into me.
"Are you two okay? You seem unnaturally quiet." Even Simon wasn't his normal bouncy self.
"We are fine." Simon says a little too quickly. He looks sideways at Penny and she gives a weak smile. Something is very wrong.
"Are you going to tell me or am I going to find it out myself?" I say irritated, I may be a vampire but it doesn't mean I don't know when something is wrong or that I don't have feelings!
"Here let me get you a tea." Penny interjects and hops up out the room leaving Simon and I alone.
"What is it? It's obviously you." I start angrily.
"Ummmmm, I don't know how to put this, ummm arrrrr ummm."
"Use your words Simon!" I almost yell. He's been getting better but he still can't explain things in a difficult or tense situation.
"No! No I won't! Not to day!" He yells and gets up and walks away slamming the door to his room. I wince,he is strong enough to pull the door out of its hinges.
"I'm sorry Baz." Penny quietly says.
"You know don't you! I should have known! Being best buddies and all, you would keep secrets!" I grump, getting up I walk out the door into the cold nights air I walk back to my flat I share with Fiona.
Hey guys! Sorry this bit is a bit dramatic and all but I thought I would move away from everything being all fluffy and all, so I thought the boys could have a bit of a falling out from what they thought was their perfect lives.
The Purple Tortoise 🐢🐢🐢🐢
P.S don't be silent, speak up and express what you think should happen and your thoughts on the story so far would be much appreciated.
Also hi Rftc0702! Thank you for your votes and your comments!

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