The Anger

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Sorry I haven't up dated and all. (Been busy) but here is the new part you are probably waiting for.
*Also RIP David Bowie who died aged 69 after a 18 month battle with cancer. January 11th 2016
Baz's POV
I walk into the sitting room and watch the flickering lights from the TV on the wall.
"What's wrong?" Fiona asks. "Have you fallen out with Simon?"
"Nothing's wrong." I huff. "Me and Simon are... great." I lie.
The sitting room mainly consists of a tattered couch, a old style TV, a wobbly coffee table and a dusty lamp. The burgundy paisley wall paper is peeling. And a dead "bush" sits in the corner. Our whole flat look like this because we are never really here. I'm always at Simon's and Fiona is always with my parents and sisters.
I walk into my bedroom and collapse on the small mouldy bed. I scrunch my face up trying to contain the tears and anger. I punch the pillow growling.
"Maybe this new found love isn't what you think, maybe neither you nor Simon can hold. It doesn't have the same pleasure as a normal relationship. Maybe Simon is having second thoughts." Fiona's syrupy voice floated around me.
"You don't Know this! You don't anything about us!" I yelled back tears streaming down my face, the anger spilling out.
"Run away home!" I cast on Fiona and she leaves the room.
Simon can't have second thoughts, not after everything we have been through, he saved my life, he proved his love to me.
My love for him is infinite. My phone buzzes, Penny.
"Baz? I'm sorry." Penny starts.
"Why does it hurt so much?"
"Because it was real."
I know, it's really crap but I'm slightly lost about how to write in Baz's POV. (Some tips please?)
The Purple Tortoise 🐢🐢🐢🐢

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