Wake Up!

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Play Wake Up by the Vamps guys!
Baz's POV
I looked at the girl, her waist length blonde hair had been curled and pulled back. Her makeup was just slight too heavy and the smell of perfume was overpowering. She wore a super short skirt (ones that she could bend over and you'd see her pants) and a crop top that was too small, her boobs looked like they'd pop out and you could see way too much of her stomach. It was gross.
She giggled flirtatiously.
"Hi! *giggle* I'm Kym! *giggle*"  I gave her an uninterested look.
"This is Jess," she pointed to the girl on her left, slightly taller, shorter hair, curvy and simally (I can't spell for my life) dressed. "And this is Betsy! Myyyyy Bestieeess." She dragged the words out.
If she thought I was gonna hook up with a bunch of hardly dressed bitches, then they thought wrong.
However, it could help- with Simon. I felt a tug on my heart and tears threatened to flow.
No. He is the one to cry. He is the one that hurt you. He found a way to worm himself in, and then brake you.
It's. All. Simons. Fault.
I turned back round to the girls and smiled, my gorgeous smile. And looked them up and down, lingering on the huge boobs.
Kym giggled.
"How may I help you?" The words rolled off my tongue, I relaxed my face into pure calmness.
She giggled again as she walked forward her hips swinging tauntingly. It made no difference to me, I mean there are men better looking then her.
She slipped her thin arm around my waist and stood on her tip toes (I was way too tall, and she was, well, way too small). She nestled under my arm and pulled me out of the shop. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, I was only used to one size, and he fitted perfectly into it.
I found myself in a coffee shop (Seriously guys, what do people see in coffee, it's disgusting).
"What do you want babe?" She asked, uhgg babe.
I never did answer. I was off in my own word, only because of what I heard on the radio:
"That was Wake Up by the Vamps. Chosen by Penny who said: to my best friends Simon and Baz, Wake Up! Something BIG is gonna happen."
That was all I needed before I was shooting off. I new were I was going, I had been there so many times before. I skidded to a stop at a flower stand and bought the biggest bunch of red roses there was. And I took off again.

Simon's POV
I heard a nock on the door. That's strange, nobody ever comes here. I was struggling to move, I couldn't get out of the bed.
Penny must have got the door because I can here muffed voices: a high pitched and relieved one and a lower, out of breath voice. The voices come nearer and nearer.
"Careful, he is frail." That was Penny. I hear a crinkling noise of plastic and then the door opens,
The tall figure stand in the doorway, blocking the light coming through.... he looks like an angel.
Hiya MunchBunnys!
(I don't know what happened, I was looking round the room for inspiration for you name- and I saw a Lindt Bunny)
It hasn't been to long has it? You haven't forgotten me?
Any ways- I UPDATED!!! WOOOOO! Ehehehe
So I had a lovely message form @cocomeowlo and of course I reply! I love getting messages from you guys! And I love to hear that you are enjoying it!

Anyway- so I saw Thor and well, I have a new fictional crush.
💚Loki💚 (Man! Does he have great legs!)
Sooooo, I made a new fanfic about Tom Hiddleston and I wouldn't mind if you could- you know, pop over there and take a look. Hint hint nudge nudge.

Lots of love

PS Am I mad?

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