Heart to Heart Elf to Boner

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Baz's POV
He looks scared, like he is trying to word together a murder mystery.
"Use your words Simon." I say gently, I'm nervous, I want to know. Did he fall in love with another? Why is his stomach so huge? Why can't he just say?!
Instead, he gives up on trying to speak, he just takes my hand. He places it on his ever growing belly.
That's when I feel it.
A kick.

Simon's POV
He takes his hand away in horror, like he'd just touched the hob. I deflate a little. But just as suddenly, he puts his hand back on, he stares at my stomach in wonder and shock. Just like Penny's dad.
He looks up, his mouth slightly agape.
"Mine?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.
"Ours, Baz. The child, it's ours." I answer, finally find my voice.
"When is it due? Is it a boy or a girl? When did you find out?" He bursts out. I've never seen him loose his composure -except that time in the library before Penny and Agatha entered.
"It's due in the next month or two, I'm due a check up with Doctor Bunce soon. I didn't want to know the gender, I also think it was to early to tell. I found out, properly, a month after you left."
"Does Penny know?"
About what? Me pregnant? She was the first to know!" I force a laugh.
"No, not that, about the gender?"
"Most likely. She has been in contact with her dad, you know, tell him if anything strange goes on."
"Oh, okay."
"Are you alright Baz?"
"Yeah, fine. Just in shock, not everyday you find your boyfriend's pregnant, do you?"
I laugh properly, for the first time in months. "No! I don't think men get pregnant at all either!"

Baz's POV
I love him. I love Simon so much. I just don't know what to say. Nothing, not right now, I've asked all my questions, he has answered all mine in return.
The front door closes and Penny walks in.
"Hiya! I'm back! You didn't know I had gone now do you? Caught up in your own world! Thought I'd give you some privacy." I can see what Simon sees in Penny, although she is loud, annoying and controlling, she knows when to back off.
She enters the sitting room carrying two plastic bags full to the brim with boxes and under one arm she carries a DVD set. She looks at me to Simon and to my hand on his- our baby.
"Well now you know, I thought we'd CELEBRATE!! WOOO!" She yells. "I got us a Chinese takeaway! And I got us the Lord of the Rings! I thought we could watch it!"
"Do you know how long that will take us Bunce?" I ask
"Yep! So we'd better start now!" She bends down and starts messing about with the DVD player. I lean over and start dishing out the meal, Hoisin Duck Pancakes (Yeah guys!) first. Penny comes running back when the film starts to play, grabbing her plate and plonking (I love that word) on the sofa.
*time skip brought to you by Potatoes Waffles*
"And you have my bow!"
Legolase claims, eyeing the camera.
"Now that is one good looking elf." Simon says, his voice muffled under the blanket we share. Our food long gone rests on the coffee table.
"But I thought you were into Vampires," I whisper back, acting offended.
"I am totally into vampires," he says, taking my hand. "But that elf is giving me a boner." I can't help but burst out laughing, Penny shoots us a look.
"I thought I was the only one to give you that." I whisper back.
"Yeah you do, but only if I allow it, I'd look a bit stupid if I walked round with a boner all the time. I, Simon Snow, have learned to control my wand."
I can't stop laughing then, Penny glares at me from under her dovet. Simon elbows me in the ribs.
"Shut up!" He hisses. "Your missing the action." There was a pause then: "Now that's great hair." He says. I look up to see Aragon and Arwen kissing on a bridge. I agree, they both have amazing hair, but in their own ways.
Arwen's raven hair made her pale, almost glowing, white skin stick out and her icy blue eyes shine. She was a whole other word for beauty.
I rapped a arm a round Simon's chest and pulled him closer, using his body heat to warm me, I snuggled under the blankets. I get a strong whiff of Apple and man. I look back at the TV in time for the Fellowship leave Rivendale.
Hi guys, thought I'd give you another part (so much fluff!) because this book has 2k views!! And 100+ votes!! Guys, this is amazing, it felt like only yesterday a posted the first chapter.
Anyway Thank you so much guys!
Lots of love,
The Purple Tortoise has left the building.
Xxxx 💜🐢💜

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