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Penny's POV
My dad's office is clean-ish, it's still covered with paper and and you can't see the floor under all the books, but at least he tried.
The office is also crowded, I'm sitting next to mum and Micah, he flew over a few days ago to meet Apollo. Dad is    standing behind the desk, Baz is sitting in the desk chair with Simon on his lap.
    Simon's pregnant fat has died down a bit more, so Baz can finally get his hands round Simon's waist.
The projection on the wall shows an   X-ray of Simon's body, a deflating uterus has squashed his intestines up into a unnatural shape.
"So you said your wings just sprouted out your back when you thought about them?" My dad asks Simon.
"Yeah, I was thinking of the dragon that 'attacked' the school once." Simon replied.
"Was it a female?"
"Yes." Baz answers straight away. "I could smell her." My mum shifts in her seat, she doesn't mind Baz, she just isn't use to references of his drinking habits.
There's a sound of crying downstairs, it's Arwen. I get up to go tend to her.
"Bring her back up with you." Baz calls.
Baz's POV
She curls up in Simon's lap, wrapping her beautiful feathered wings around her.
"How did we create something so beautiful?" I whisper in Simon's ear.
He shrugs.
Simon thinks a lot more these days, probably because he's had more of a chance to sit down and think, and there his something to think about worth thinking about.
Penny's dad finally speaks up.
"You don't think when Simon thought about having wings, he thought about the dragon in whole? Taking the dragon's female parts with him." It was possible, it was Simon with magic, anything happened.
I've gotten use to Simon not having magic, it's not like he used it around the place anyway and I certainly don't miss his blow offs.
Simon's looking at our baby again, he's stroking her feathered wings. He does it absentmindedly now, I guess he likes not being the only one wth wings, he treasures hers, like they'd fall off any minute and disintegrate.
Because of her wings in the womb, they were both under-size, Apollo more then Arwen, Apollo doesn't have wings, they also look completely different.
Apollo looks like Simon, blond hair moles, except he has my nose, accompanied by a pair of bright blue, sparkling eyes.
Arwen looks like me, dark hair, same nose, pale skin. But Arwen had one grey eye (like me) and one blue eye (like Simon). And her beautiful, brown, feathered wings. I guess she doesn't like leathery skin.
Micah POV
I look down at Apollo, his dusting of blond hair, he's mine, Penny and I's. I'm hoping to seal the deal between Penny and I soon, get a house together too. It would be nice, to get Penny away from her family and Simon and Baz. To build a life with her and Apollo. It won't happen in the next year or two, but I'm gonna move over to England soon. Very soon.
I kiss Apollo on the forehead, put him in the cradle, and climb into the bed next to Penny.
Hey guys,
Sorry for not updating in bloody ages, as you might be able to tell, the story is drawing to a close—
But! Don't go anywhere too soon, I might be writing a sequel.

Also if you haven't seen it yet, I uploaded a new short story called Libby, its about some bookworms please go read!! It would mean the world to me!! 😊
Leave a star, I like stars.
Lots of love
Purple Tortoise

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