Nappies for two.

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Simon's POV
I look down at the bundle in my arms. The slight dusting of dark hair covers it's tiny head, tiny eyes closed, the baby girl was asleep.
"We need a name." I look up at Baz, his eyes full of tears, I've never seen Baz cry, but it's beautiful.
"You name her," I say to Baz. "She looks like you." She does, even as a small baby, she has many of Baz's features. Pale skin, dark hair, high cheek bones.
"Arwen." Baz finally states. "Arwen, like the elf." I nod my head in agreement.
"Arwen Tyrannus."
"We're not calling her Tyrannus, it's a boys name."
"So?" I challenge. "Tyrannus, it's the tradition."
"Penny." I say, it comes out of the blue.
"What?" Baz asks.
"Penny, she can't have kids, I don't want her to be jealous."
"She won't be jealous."
"It's Penny, I think she might."
"How do you know she can't have any?"
"Well, Penny's password to her phone is easy to guess. And, well," I drop my voice to a whisper. "I read her diary."
"Simon!" Baz exclaims a little to loud.
"Sssh Baz, you don't want them to wake, not just now."
Still talking in whispers, Baz questions Penny, still knowing the answer to most of the question.
"What can we do?"

Penny's POV
As I round the corner, the two, new fathers halt their conversation. They look up from their arms, and Simon has an ecstatic grin on his face. Baz is too, but you can see most of it coming out his eyes.
"You..You have t-two." I stutter in shock. My eye damns give way and I'm crying again.
"YOU HAVE TWO!!" I yell my voice more sure than it was last time.
I walk forwards to the end of the bed.
"Do you want to hold him?" Baz asks, giving a side look at Simon who is clutching-something, a baby, but something.
"Yes please." I nod. Sitting down next to Baz, and he passes the small, naked child over.
"He looks like you, Simon." I say, my voice barely a whisper. "Except for the nose, that's Baz's." Even as a newborn, the baby is handsome. A lighter dusting of hair, a sandy blonde.
"We need a name," Baz tells me. "And, we would like you to name him."
"Me? Why would you want me to name him?"
"Because," Its Simon this time. "We want you to have him." I'm speechless.
"We know you can't have kids," Baz told me. "So, would you take the boy?"
I don't know what to say, so many questions run through my head.
What about Micah?
Will he be okay with it?
I can have this small child?
I they playing a joke?
"Are you sure? This is your child." They nod solemnly. I have my answer.
"Yes, yes I shall take the child."
Simon grins, trying to hug me over the twins and pregnant fat.
Baz is gently stroking the boys head.
"Take care of him." He says, the only loud enough for me to hear.
"I will." I say back. "I love him, he is so handsome. I love you guys too, so so much." I hug them both, Simon tighter, they deserve it, they brought two beautiful children into the world.
After sitting on the bed together I learn that the- girl is called Arwen Tyrannus Penny Snow-Pitch. I agree with Baz, a girl can't be called Tyrannus, Simon say that's not her name name, so it does count.
I name the boy Apollo, like the god, Zakari Bunce.
Arwen and Apollo, it has a nice ring to it.
Hi, sorry, you've been probably waiting for this for ages, and I've been meaning to update for a while actually.
Anyway, you have your wish, and one, new chapter has come out for you.
Purple Tortoise

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