Chapter 4

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"Angel, Rachel, Nayla kalian ngapain ngobrol? Kamu nih Nayla anak baru udah ngobrol. Maju kedepan kamu harus nyanyi satu lagu"

"Mati gimana nih?" panik Nayla.

"Selaw nyanyi doang" kata Rachel.

"Nayla maju" kata pak Jarwo.

"I-iya pak"

"Sabar pak" kata Rachel.

Nayla berjalan maju ke depan, anak-anak kelas gue yang lain memperhatikan Nayla.

"Kamu bisa main gitar?" tanya pak Jarwo.

"Bisa pak" katanya.

"Yaudah pakai ini"

Pak Jarwo memberi gitar yang dia bawa. Aldo ketua kelas membawa bangkunya kedepan, Nayla duduk di bangku yang disediakan Aldo.

"Pak" gue angkat tangan.

"Kenapa Angel?" tanyanya.

"saya juga mau nyanyi dong"

"Bebeb Angel mau nyanyi buat aku ya?" kata Vian.

"Najis banget sih lo, orang buat gue" kata Daffa.

"Najis lo berdua Angel mana demen yang model lo berdua, dia mah sama gue ya gak honey" kata Raffa.

"Gak semua" jawab gue ketus.

"Yah" kata Daffa.

"Jahat" kata Raffa.

"Sakit" kata Vian.

"Ya kamu nanti nyanyi abis Nayla"

"Oke deh pak"

Nayla mulai memetik gitar, kok kayanya gue kenal lagunya.

I got a heart and I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start, be it a false one i know
Babe, I don't want to feel alone

Hah? Inikan lagu kesukaan gue.

So kiss me where I lay down
My hand press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

i have love you since we were eighteen
long before we both thought the samething
to be loved, and to be in love
all i can do is say
that these arms were made for holding you
i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen

We took a chance
God know's we tried
Yet all along... I knew we'd be fine

So pour me a drink, oh love
Let's split the night
Wide open and we'll see everything
We can live in love in slow motion, motion, motion

So kiss me where I lay down
My hand press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

i have love you since we were eighteen
long before we both thought the samething
to be loved, and to be in love
all i can do is say
that these arms were made for holding you
i wanna love like you made me feel
when we were eighteen

When we were eighteen
When we were eighteen

Kiss me where I lay down
My hand press to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

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