(Actual) chapter 5

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Carla POV

When he said he used a condom I felt so much better because I was supposed to get my period yesterday and it didn't come maybe I just got the days mixed up its probably nothing.

 I got the seating chart for my next class putting it on the board that way children know where they are sitting in the classroom is arranged in small groups of threes. I did it this way because I arranged the seating by there test scores. 

I was excited because it was my first lesson day the first day we played the name game and got to know each other a little bit. The second day I had them take a placement test.

As students start walking in they sit anywhere.

"Excuse me there's a seating chart look for your name then find the seat you where assigned." I said they got to there assigned seat when the bell rung I already had the lesson plan and learning objectives up. They started copying 

The late bell rang and there was a lot of noise coming from outside Clay walked in laughing at whoever I couldn't see because of where my desk was.

"Can you please sit down quietly and start copying?" I said.

"Okay okay whatever." He went to the back of the class but after seeing that the seats were all filled.

"There is a seating chart on the board find your name you'll see your seat." I said I got up and started the lesson I leaned on a desk at the front of the class. Then Clay was standing right behind me. I got up realizing that this must be his seat.

I continued on with my lesson of the day but towards the end I started feeling nauseous I tried to just fight it but just couldn't know more and I threw up in the trash can in front of my whole class. 

One of the students called the nurse I was just so happy it was last period of the day because I feel like I was drained of all my energy then as I sat in the nurse's office I felt like a kid again she gave me water and took my temperature she asked me a few questions  but after asking me about my period she gave me a pregnancy test.

"I'm not pregnant ." I said to the nurse her tag said her name was Michelle.

"Child the bathroom is over there." She said to me pointing to a door at the back of the room.

I took the test just to prove her wrong I was not pregnant he said he used a condom. After I took the test as I waiting for it to finish I started pacing like I can't be pregnant that's absurd right.

"Don't pace your going to scuff the floors." I heard the nurse call out.

I stopped pacing as i waited for the test to finish the after the needed time i looked at the test to see that the test was positive. I realize that the test could be wrong.

I walked out the bathroom to see the nurse looking at me expectantly.

"It was positive." i said to the older lady."It could be wrong." I quickly add.

"Sure sweet pea sure." She Said to her self.

There was a knock at the door. Before the principle walked in.

"Hello just checking to see if you where alright Davis." He said calling me by my last name.

"I'm fine and I'll be able to work tomorrow." I said to the man.

"Okay, that's good just checking up on you. I must go to another meeting what fun. Feel better okay" He said with a wave as he left.

"You should make an appointment with a doctor." The nurse said.

"I will." I said before leaving

Clay's POV

I was really filling worried one question contently running through my mind.

"Did you use a condom."

And the fact that I heard she tossed her cookies in class today didn't make me feel any better.

What if I did get her pregnant. My life would be over.

"Yo dude." I heard a familiar voice yell I look over at the group to see them waving me down. So I walk over to them.

"We have been calling you and you've just stood there staring into space like we don't have fucking places to go." Brandon said angrily.

"Can you get off your period for ten minutes." Ryan said to Brandon.

"So I heard the new math teacher puked in class. So do you still want to do her." And I present to you Dillon the dumb ass I call my friend.

"Shut up Dillon lets go guys." Ryan said as we all got into his car.

It was then when I say her the teacher getting into an old looking car she was on the phone with someone she was a bit away from us but I could hear bits and pieces of her conversation and all I could tell she was making some kind of arrangement.

That's when she looked up and our eyes met she again looked like a deer in headlights but I couldn't tell why.

I got My teacher PREGNANT!?!!!Where stories live. Discover now