Back Stretches- 4

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Week 4

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1. (0.5/5 difficulty)

- go into like an animal position on all fours
- now, like a cat, arch your back
- then, un-arch your back, so you are stretching it out (pic above)
- remember to look up when you are stretching your back and remember to bow down cat-arching, so you don't squish your neck

2. (2/5 difficulty)

- you may need a wall to hold on
- stand up and grab one leg (your bad back leg) behind you
- pull up into a scorpion position with both hands, if you can
- make sure that your hips are square
- try it on the other leg too

3. (3/5 difficulty)

- this is a combre, a ballet movement
- you need a wall or a barre
- move your head to one side (like you do when you shake your head no), so that you don't strain your neck
- now lean back as far as you can and bend your back
- come back up and cat-arch your back, "unstretching" the stretch

4. (3/5 difficulty)

- go into your split, only if you have one and if you are comfortable in it
- lean back and try to hold your back leg, like a needle position on the ground
- this helps with balances like scorpions and needles, and with penches

5. (2/5 difficulty)

- stand up and hold your hands straight above you
- look at them
- lean back very slowly
- try to reach the ground
- this is a slow back bend
- if you lose your balance, then you could fall and hurt yourself
- if you are doing this for the first time, then I recommend having a spotter
- try not to bend your legs after a few tries

Thanks for reading! ;)


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