Shoulder Stretches (And Toe Stretches)- 3

390 12 3

Week 3
Sry for not updating.
Two simple words.
No wifi.
This part is dedicated to lacepanda22 and stats_true.
Thank you for voting and supporting!
:) Here's the next part:

1. (1/5 difficulty)

- you need a doorway
- stand facing the doorway and put your hands (not the whole arm, just the hand) up by your ears
- now you have on hand on each side of the doorway
- push slightly forward and feel the stretch in your shoulders

2. (2/5 difficulty)

-go into in each of the 5 ballet positions (pictured above)
- in each position, go on relevé (up and down on your tippy toes) 20 times
- this helps strengthen your "toe muscles" and calves
- also good for pointe and pre-pointe

3. (1/5 difficulty)

- there are two exercises:
a. go into relevé and bend down to try and touch the ground

b. stand up again and go into relevé on one foot, then switch it up (do like 25 of these)

I hope you enjoyed this so far, and I also hope that y'all had a happy holiday and will have a happy new year!

******** I will probably write 2 weeks worth of exercises more           
(6 parts).


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