Chapter 2

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*A week later*

Luke's POV

"Mr Hemmings, late again" My science teacher announced. I gave him an apologetic look before making my way to my desk; but not before being interrupted by a tall, thin, pretty blonde.

Her skirt was too short for my liking, and her tight top wasn't very attractive either.

Welcome to Charming High School. Population: Air heads, jocks (Me) cheerleaders, the smart kids, the stoner people and the school newspaper club.

"Hi Tiffany" I said politly, hoping this wasn't going to take long.

"Luuuuke, hi" she replied dragging out my name.

"Excuse me-"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to a party tonight, it would soooo great if you could come" she interrupted.

"Oh, well you see Tiffany, I have other plans tonight I'm sorry" I felt kind of bad lying to her, but I knew what happened at those party's, and I wasn't a big fan.

"Oh okay, it's fine" she mumbled, sitting back down at her desk.

I sighed quietly and found my seat, two rows from the front, right in the middle.

I watched the lesson fly by, and the next 2 lessons after that.

"Finally, lunch!" I said excitedly after hearing the bell. I quickly swung my bag over my shoulder and practically ran out of class.

The hallways were crowded with teenagers. I manoeuvred my way through the buzzing crowd, recieving a few hi's and hey's and even a couple of sighs.

"You're too popular for your own good Hemmings" an all too familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Lilly smiling at me. She ran a hand through her silky, dark brown hair and followed me through the cafeteria door.

"It's not like I asked for it" I said a few moments later in the lunch line.

Lilly scoffed

"No, you just joined the schools football team for the heck of it"

"Maybe I did" I replied

"Well, you've lead them to 3 championship wins since freshman year, atleast your good"

"Thanks... I think"

We picked up our trays and made our way over to our usual spot. I watched as my team members laughed and flirted with the cheerleaders, who swarmed around my table.

"Oh great, lunch with bimbo airheads" Lilly sighed.

Lilly and I had been best friends since Sophomore year. I was use to her attitude by now, but she wasn't always like this, she was really sweet when she was in a good mood.

"Luke! Lilly!" James, a friend of mine called out as we approached the table. James shuffled over, making room for us to sit. I liked James, he was an honest kid, only a sophomore but we liked him anyway.

"Hi Luuuke" the cheerleading team said in unison.

"Hey" I said casually, taking a seat.

Lilly's POV

"Hi Luuuke" the cheerleading team said in unison.

They were in love with him, every girl in the school was in love with him. I couldn't blame them to be honest. He was sweet, and cute, his messy blonde hair topped off his bad boy, jock look. No wonder girls dropped at his feet. But the spell didn't work on me, we were best friends, I didn't think of him like that and I knew he thought the same.

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