Chapter 4

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The next morning I layed in bed quietly, listening to Mum rushing around getting ready to leave. I sat up in bed and leant my head back on the backboard. School started in half an hour and I wasn't even fully awake.

After I was sure she was gone, I pulled myself out of bed and to my bathroom. I took one look in the mirror and grunted.

I peeled off my t-shirt and sweats and jumped in the shower. 15 minutes left.

After I was finished, I threw on some chino's, a rip curl singlet, my varsity football jacket and my vans.

I threw on some cologne, picked up my back pack that was filled with books and pens, and ran down stairs to the front door.

I slipped on my beanie, and grabbed my P.E gear out of the laundry.

I skipped breakfast and went straight to school, if I was late again Mr Morgan would give me detention.

I was an overly good kid at school, didn't smoke pot, didn't swear at the teachers, didn't start fights, I didn't see the point in causing any trouble for myself.

I hated being a jock sometimes though, having that constant, half jerk half dumb jock stereo type pinned on you was hard.

I shook off the thought as I entered the school grounds. I ran up the stairs and through the front doors, making it to Science just as the bell rang.

"Your lucky day Mr Hemmings" said Mr Morgan as I bolted through the door.

"Yeah I guess so" I smirked, pleased with myself as I took my seat.

"Can anyone tell me-"

Riiiiing riiiing.

What the hell? Who's phone was that. Oh jesus, it was mine.

Everybody's eyes fell on me as I pulled out my IPhone to end the call.

"Mr Hemmings, looks like its not your lucky day after all" My teacher said smirking.

I gave him a pained smile before shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Detention, after school, SB4. Don't be late"



"So are you going to go?" Lilly asked, we were in sports playing volley ball and I had just told her about my phone mis-happ in class.

"Of course, I'm not going to bail" I answered, hitting the ball back over the net.

Just then, the bell rang for lunch and Lilly and I headed in our seperate directions. Her to the girls locker rooms, and me to the boys locker rooms.

"Meet me outside the gym once you're done?" she asked

"Don't take too long"

"I'm faster than you Hemmings" she said

I scoffed

"Whatever you say Walker"

I heard her cute giggle as she walked away. Wait. Did I just call her giggle cute? Earth to Luke, best friends and nothing more.


"Took you long enough" Lilly said as I walked through the gym door.

"Looking this good takes time Lilly" I smirked

She punched me in the shoulder as we walked to the cafeteria.

"Luke... can we sit somewhere else today?"

Her hair was up in a messy bun today, and she was wearing washed out skinny jeans, an All Time Low merch t-shirt and a pair of black vans. I loved the way she dressed, it was cute and simple.

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