Chapter 8

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Melodie's P.O.V

There are all these human sacrifices going on, I turned against my own brothers and basically pretended to be dead to avoid actually being killed and now I have to go to school and pretend like everything's okay? School. The place where I have to see my brothers. But Ethan and Aiden wouldn't just sell me out like that right. Maybe they would just to get on Deucalion good side. Why is Stiles making me go to school anyway? After last night I'm surprised that Stiles is even going to school. I mean Tara meant so much to Stiles and now she gone and it was such a terrible way to die too. 

"Hey you okay," Stiles asked coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Yeah why are you asking" I asked grabbing my books out of my locker. 

"Well you've been staring at nothing for like 5 minutes straight and now Ethan and Aiden are walking over here" he told me. 

I slammed my locker shut and ran down the hall only to have someone grab my wrist before I could make it into the classroom. I turned around only to come face to face with Aiden.

"Melodie you're alive," he asked me. 

"Yeah and you're gonna go tell Deucalion just to get on his good side aren't you" I asked him crossing my arms. 

He didn't say anything he just pulled me in for a tight hug and I could feel tears wetting my shoulder.

"Aiden are you okay," I asked. 

He didn't say anything he just held me tighter. 

"Aiden use your words" I told him. 

"I thought you were dead. I was so worried. I can't lose you too. I love you so much" Aiden cried. 

"I love you too" I told him hugging him back. 

"Do you think you can forgive us" Ethan asked walking over. 

"Of course" I told him hugging him. "Get to class now goofball" I laughed ruffling Ethan's hair making him smile. 

"I love you" Ethan said giving me one last hug.

"I love you too," I told him before walking back over to Stiles. 

"So everything went okay," Stiles asked. 

"Yeah they aren't gonna tell Deucalion anything" I told him hugging his side. 

"That's good. Let's get to class" Stiles said kissing the top of my head walking us to class. 

Nina's P.O.V

Me and Scott were sitting in class. I was paying attention to the board till Scott spoke up. 

"We have to talk to Ethan" Scott told me. 

"Why" I asked him confused. 

"Well since the darach was a druid maybe it's the emissary to the alpha pack" Scott told me. 

"It could be my dad never let me meet our emissary but it's going to be difficult for one reason and one reason only" I told him. 

"What" he asked. 

"Aiden. Ever since they came back to school they have been inseparable" I told him.

"Can't you just talk to them you guys were in the same pack?" he asked me. 

"I can't they won't even talk to me but I know who they will talk to" I told him.

"Who," he asked. 

"Melodie," I told him as the bell rang. 

Ethan's P.O.V

I was at my locker getting my books for my next class when Aiden walked over. 

"This whole thing with Danny needs to stop," he told me. 

"He's harmless and Lydia's the one we're supposed to worry about," I told him. 

"Then why are you still talking to Danny," he asked. 

"What difference does it make," I asked.

"What do you think we're doing here. We're not actually high school students right. We're here to eliminate a threat not here to hold hands and pass notes in class" he told me and I was starting to get annoyed. 

"And now we know that he's harmless threat eliminated," I told him and he smirked at me. 

"You're starting to like him," he asked. 

"So what," I said trying to look anywhere but his face. "So if Deucalion asks you would you kill him," he asked. 

"If Deucalion asked would you kill me and Mel," I asked clearly annoyed and he just smiled. 

"Stop talking to Danny," he told me. 

I turned back to my locker and he moved to my other side. 

"Or I'm gonna rip the flesh off his face and eat it," he told me as I slammed my locker.

"Wow, what's wrong with you Slammy McSlammerson" Melodie asked walking over to us. 

"Why don't you ask Aiden," I told her. 

"I told him to stop seeing Danny," he told her. 

"You idiot," she said slapping the back of his head. 

"Oh, and I heard everything would you really kill me and Ethan if Deucalion asked you too," she asked. 

"Deucalion asked me to kill both of you once before and did I do it then," he asked. 

"No," Mel and I asked in unison. 

"Then why would I now," he asked before walking away.

"Don't listen to him okay?" Mel told me. 

"Okay, why would I anyways" I laughed. 

"How do you feel about Danny," she asked.

"I really like him," I told her. 

"Then don't let Aiden stop you from seeing him and if he rips the flesh off of Danny's face and eats it then I'll rip the flesh off his face and have Nina eat it," she told me laughing. 

"Thanks so what's the whole thing with Stiles about," I asked her as she leaned against the locker next to mine. 

"I love him and he loves me. That's about all" she told me. 

"You realize he can and will get hurt," I told her. 

"And so can Danny," she told me. 

"Sometimes you have to think is it worth the risk," I asked her. 

She looked down the hallway. I followed her gaze to see Stiles joking around with Scott and Nina. 

"He's definitely worth the risk," she told me smiling. 

This was the happiest I've seen her in forever. 

"Go," I told her. 

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about anything else?" she asked me. 

"I'm perfectly fine now go," he told me. 

"Okay love you bye," she said kissing my cheek before running off to Stiles. 

He instantly stopped talking and give her a hug and a quick peck on the lips. Melodie began talking and Stiles began to stare at her. Not in a creepy way but more of an admiring way. I smiled at the thought of my little sister finally finding someone she loves that much. 

"She's growing up so fast huh" Aiden asked walking up to me putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Yeah it seems like just yesterday we were teaching her how to control the shift on her first full moon" I told him. 

"I miss those days they were the best. No Deucalion no Kali just me,you,Mel, mom and dad" he told me. 

"Yeah I miss those days and I miss them," I told him. 

"I miss them too but they're always here with us," he told me.

" Yeah now let's get to class before we're late," I told him taking one last look over at Mel then walking down the hall.

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