The Greeks

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Soft light filtered through the blinds, slowly nudging Lexi awake. She took a deep breath, rubbing at her eyes to get rid of the crusty feeling. She lay wrapped up in the confines of her comforter, protecting her from the chill of the room. Birds tweeted outside, and she realized the storm had passed. There was always such a peaceful quiet after the rain.

Begrudgingly leaving the warm nest that was her bed, she stood and went to her dresser for pants. The tank top was fine, as Nana was always too busy sewing up bleeding men to care about what she wore. Finding her favorite sweatpants, adorned with the Batman logo all over it, she slipped them on and pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

She suddenly remembered the crazy night before, freezing her in place. Had it really all been real? Had four strangers, one of them being a freakin' polar bear, hijacked her house and demanded to stay? It all seemed too crazy to believe, and she laughed, shaking her head.

'You're a piece of work, Lex. Officially the craziest dream you've ever had.' Reaching for the handle, she opened the door.

"AH!" She screamed, immediately closing it. The polar bear was standing right outside her door, like it was waiting for her to wake up. "What the hell?" She called, remembering it

"I'm sorry." He replied from behind the door, in a very sad tone of voice. Lexi pursed her lips, feeling kinda bad for the guy. I guess he couldn't exactly help what he was. Sighing, she opened it again, witnessing him slumped over in depression. She felt even worse.

"Look, just don't scare me like that, ok?" She reasoned, and the bear nodded. "Did you need something?" She yawned, padding into the hallway.

"We were wondering if you were going to make us breakfast?" She gave a short laugh.

"I may be letting you guys stay, but that doesn't mean I'm now your personal butler or anything. You guys can feed yourselves." She was about to walk downstairs, but the door to the guest bedroom was open, and she couldn't help but look inside.

Shachi and Penguin were laying on the air mattress. She was surprised they'd found it, stuffed in the closet somewhere. The only problem was, they hadn't inflated it. Seeing the brunette, they stretched.

"Hey, Lexi-chan, this thing isn't comfy at all! Why do people even use it?" They moaned, rubbing at their supposedly sore backs. She shook her head, entering the room.

"You know that you have to inflate it with air, right?" They shared a glance, not fully understanding. "It's an air mattress. So before the end of the day we'll inflate it, ok?" They nodded.

"Baka! I told you we did it wrong." Penguin hit Shachi on the head, and Lexi left before a full out brawl could ensue. She told herself internally that it had nothing to do with the sleeping Captain who looked extremely attractive with his hair all messed up.


Lexi made herself a cup of coffee, ever thankful that the coffee machine had a timer every morning. That way, there was a steaming pot already waiting for her every morning. The others slowly made their way down the stairs, the Captain grumpily stretched and descended, fully dressed and ready for the day. His spotted hat was on his head, which Lexi thought was cute.

Lexi went to help Nana up, figuring that now was as good a time as ever to have everyone meet. It sounded a lot better than the possibility of them meeting her while she was under one of her delusions. She might think they're Nazi soldiers.

"Nana, it's time to wake up." She called, gently shaking her shoulder. Nana woke up gradually, yawning the sleep away.

"Lexi, dear. How did you sleep?" She smiled, accepting her granddaughter's help out of bed.

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