Fast Food and Sir Mixalot

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"Where is Bepo?" Lexi asked, pulling back onto the highway to head home. They glanced between each other before answering.

"He's somewhere up ahead. I think on the left."

"Alright well just tell me when to stop." The two nodded, and she kept driving, a little slower than what the posted speed limit was just in case she had to stop suddenly. Law glanced at them from the front seat.

"Did you find any sign of ways to get back to our world?"

"No, just a bunch of number signs along the road. What do they mean anyways?" Penguin asked Lexi, who yawned as the exhaustion began to hit her.

"You mean the green ones?"

"Yeah, and the white ones that say speed limit."

"The green ones are mile markers. They tell you how far you are from a central location. The white speed limit signs are the limit to how fast you're allowed to drive on the roads." She explained, turning up the speed of her windshield wipers. The rain was coming down harder. Lexi gave a worried glance out the window. She hoped Bepo had taken shelter under something to keep dry.

" then, what was that gas station for?" Shachi scratched his head.

"Vehicles run on gas. If they are empty they won't go anywhere. Like trains need coal to operate. You guys have trains at least, right? And have I gone too far?"

"No, keep going." Shachi said. Law looked to Lexi

"There aren't many trains, but there are a few located around the world. Most notably on larger trade port islands." He answered.

"Hmm." She replied, finding herself curious by the strange design of their world once again. So much was the so, but it all seemed so different. To them, she was sure everything was all new and confusing. Apparently, many of the every day appliances and objects that Lexi barely gave a second thought were strange and alien to them.

"This...truck," Law said slowly, as if he was testing out the foreign word, "how does it work exactly?" He inspected the interior with a closer eye than he had previously, noticing the small buttons and dials on the front panels.

"Cars and trucks have so much to explain that I don't even think I'm gonna begin to try."

"It looks kind of complicated." Shachi agreed. Penguin gazed intently at the roof light inside the cabin.

"If you let us take some of it apart and-"

"Hell no." She interrupted. "You are not going anywhere near the engine of this thing. I don't care how skilled you might be in your world, this is my only way of getting around and if it breaks down we're basically stranded."

"Aww..." She heard them mutter, slumping a little in their seats. Lexi distracted glanced out the window again, noticing that they'd gone quite a ways away from the gas station. Checking the rearview mirror, she saw the two pirates in the back talking quietly.

"Uh, you're keeping an eye out for where you guys left Bepo, right?" She asked.

Shachi's and Penguin's faces both turned to her in surprise. Their mouths formed perfect O shapes, eyes widening.

"Oh, we forgot! He's probably somewhere back behind us." They pointed back towards the way they'd come. Lexi deadpanned.

Slamming on the brakes, the truck screeched to a halt, throwing all the passengers against their seatbelt. Lexi could hear the breaths catch in their chest, and Law grabbed onto the car door handle to brace himself. They came to a complete stop in the middle of the road, and luckily no one seemed to be driving around, because they were alone.

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