The New Professor

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The entire drive to the college felt a lot longer than it normally lasted. Even while speeding down the road at 10 mph above what the posted speed limit was, it felt like forever. Sure, Lexi wasn't completely awake yet, the drowsiness still weighed her eyes down a little. But that wasn't what made it feel so long.

Law kept asking her so many questions.

"What are universities like?" He would ponder his own question before asking another one, spacing them all out and yet not really waiting for an answer to any of them. "Are they endorsed by the Government?"

"What sort of medical technology does your world have? Have they figured out the cure for cancerous cells in the body? Are hospitals structured as-"

"Ok, it is way too early in the morning for this." Lexi finally interrupted with a wave of her hand. Sighing, she rubbed at her temple. "I just want to get to class without my brain exploding. Please."

Law smirked from the passenger seat, settling back in the chair. "If you insist."

She relished the silence while she could, concentrating on driving instead. Even with the pirate quiet, she knew his mind was analyzing and thinking over everything he heard and saw. Sometimes it amused her but there were moments, this one included, when it was just irritating.

The large plain shifted into another small forested area, and the sun was blocked by the many trees on either side. Lexi's irritation slowly began to fade at the scenery. She sure did love the look of West Virginia. It was so beautiful, but her favorite time of the year was autumn, when all the fall colors would decorate the plains as leaves fell and blew onto the ground.

She was lost in her thoughts and didn't realize they'd reached the college. With a start, she pulled into the parking lot where all the other cars were currently parked. Luckily there was a spot in the middle of the mass and so she didn't have to go searching for one forever, making her even later for class. Taking a glance at her watch, it was 9:58. She could still make it on time!

Scrambling out of the truck, she slammed the door closed and watched as Law exited as well.

"We gotta go, or I'm gonna be late." She explained, locking the truck with the key and jogging onto the path towards the middle of campus. "I don't have time to answer questions right now so I'll do it later."

He raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless nodded, following her to the lecture hall.


Penguin and Shachi lay lounged on the couch, watching yet another episode of Family Feud. When Lexi had said that the gameshow was the only thing Nana watched, she wasn't kidding. The two were extremely and utterly bored, thus they lay on the couch with agonized groans.

"What are we supposed to doooooo?" Shachi moaned, sinking further off the cushion to the floor. Bepo lay on the ground nearby, catching up on some much-needed rest. But, he too, was getting a little bored of laying around the house all day.

Nana was still sleeping. No amount of yelling or screaming would wake the woman. She was essentially a brick from the deepness she slept. That meant they had to try to figure out something on their own, and they weren't happy with that.

"We could change the channel and see what else is on?" Penguin suggested, and Shachi tossed the idea around for a moment.

"Alright, maybe we can find a channel with those women again." Their mouths began to salivate at the thought of the winged mannequins at the mall. Immediately, they grabbed the remote and stared at the device.

"Hmm...I think Captain pressed this one." Shachi said, clicking a button. The channel changed, showing a man standing with a bunch of numbers and clouds behind him.

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