Human Nature

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"Ah, finally finished studying..." Lexi moaned out, flopping onto the couch beside Nana. The older woman glanced at her granddaughter, smiling widely.

"Oh, you get so serious with those studies of yours. Take a break for awhile, dear. We don't want you catching another sickness like last time." Stretching out and propping her feet up on the coffee table, Lexi leaned back in the couch.

"Nana, I'm pretty sure studying has nothing to do with getting sick."

"Well, you never know." She responded, nodding resolutely to herself as if reminding her that she was right. Law watched the exchange from the love seat set opposite the room, smirking at the old woman's habit of always putting her two cents in, whether it made sense or not. Lexi only smiled and shook her head, used to Nana's ways by now.

It was after dinner the next evening, and Lexi had finished up her studying for the night. There weren't any big tests coming up, and she'd finished most of the work she needed to caught up on, so there wasn't so much stress involved in this go around.

Everyone was lounging lethargically around the living room, watching the latest episode of family feud. Bepo lay nearest to his Captain, always the faithful follower and ready at any moment to defend his friend.

Tonight was a good night for Nana, who must have felt as sleepy as the rest of them, because she watched the show in relative peace.

For a good twenty minutes they were content to simply relax in comfortable silence, watching the program without distraction. Before too long, Nana began yawning and snoozing while sitting on the couch. Lexi noticed this after awhile and nudged her side.

"Nana, let's get you to bed, alright?"

"That sounds like a good idea. But you wake me if any Nazis infiltrate the camp, you hear me?" She scolded, standing with the assistance of the brunette. She gave a little salute.

"I sure will, Nana. Now, come on." Muffling a yawn of her own, Lexi led her grandmother into the master bedroom, shutting the door to allow for some privacy.

Helping her out of her normal clothes, Lexi retrieved her pajamas from the dresser, and she began gently assisting Nana step into the pants. Next she started threading her arms through the shirt sleeves, and Lexi moved to put the shirt above her head and through the collar, since it was difficult for her to reach up sometimes.

"Oh, Lexi. Sometimes I wonder if this war will ever end. Can't our countries just agree to live and let live?" Nana sighed suddenly, making Lexi hesitate. "It makes me wonder if your generation can ever know times of peace."

Nana sounded so...tired. So frustrated and worried, but too worn out to really sound was then that Lexi really took in the frailty of her grandmother. Her skin was wrinkled and sagging more and more as time passed. The bags under her eyes more pronounced, more defined. While the fire of the Rose family stubbornness still burned in her eyes, she could see a sort of plea for help. Some kind of end to all the torment that she must go through on a daily basis. A torment that no one could truly rescue her from.

Unable to find something to say initially, Lexi simply finished pulling the shirt down over Nana's chest, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm sure it'll end soon, Nana. Wars can't last forever."

"Oh, I hope so, Lexi. It's about time I come home." She muttered, straightening up and popping her back with a grimace. Lexi released Nana, letting her wander over to the bed and slide under the covers. The sting of oncoming tears pricked at her eyes, but she made sure not to let Nana know that.

"Goodnight, Lexi." She called, smiling as the brunette helped cover her with the comforter.

Giving a wavering smile, she reached over to the lamp. "Night, Nana." With a click, the light went out and plunged the room in darkness. Making her way in the blackness back to the door, she opened it and stepped out into the living room, closing it behind her as quietly as possible.

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