Resisting Temptation

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It was becoming increasingly harder to try to pretend that everything was alright. At least, it was for Lexi. None of the others seemed to be that affected by the news of a murderer nearby, though as Law had explained previously, they were probably used to death like that by now. No surprise there, now that she really thought about it. They were pirates after all.

All the same, having to still go about her days at the university was so different. The atmosphere on campus had changed drastically in the days following the news report. Most noticeable was the increase in security. Guards stood at most doorways into the school, stoic expressions as they watched the students go to and from class.

The students themselves were pensive. Conversations in the main hall were quieter, less pronounced. People constantly glanced over their shoulders, as if they were continuously being watched. Some had even stopped attending for the time being, as each of her classes had a higher absence rate than before.

Professors had cautioned students to never walk alone, to use the buddy system, as juvenile as the term may seem. Though it appeared that everyone was following that plan eagerly. Girls were seldom seen alone, though the guys, predictably, held less faith in its usefulness.

Brittany had tagged along with Lexi every day in the week following, making sure she was safe while at the same time taking comfort in having her best friend around. They didn't even talk too much while they were together, instead trading reassuring smiles and sticking a little closer if some guy eyed them a little too suspiciously.

Apparently the football team was taking Cooper's murder with mixed emotions. Though he was probably a friend to most of them, in the aftermath of the sexual assault claims against him not too many were very eager to defend or talk about him.

Lexi also worried about what the police may think. Being so close time wise from the party, she was afraid they would turn to her as a possible suspect, or even the pirates she was housing. That would be rather difficult to explain, seeing as they had no papers or passports verifying them as 'exchange students.' If people started questioning too hard into the matter, she'd have some serious problems to deal with.

Things had been...tense, with the pirates after that. Shachi and Penguin not so much, though in the past week they'd come across as more subdued. Whether this was due to the murder report itself or the palpable tension in the air of the Roe household, she couldn't quite tell. Bepo was just as adorable and neutral as ever, quite content that his captain was still alright. The bear would do anything to protect his friends, and perhaps her if the situation was right, should the need arise, and that was that.

Speaking of the captain, she'd tried her best to avoid him when she could. Not that that was very often, considering her hesitation to leave the house alone and having nothing to do to keep her occupied for long periods of time. After seeing the news, Lexi had been reminded of how dangerous people could be, and the pirates were no exception. Law especially. Sure, they'd been relatively calm and nonviolent, but who knew when that would stop? They were still capable of cruel acts like what had happened with Cooper. And yet there she was thinking back to that kiss in her room, with Law in nothing but a towel, making her heart beat a bit faster. In addition to that, what she could remember of that party was a nice, hot make out session with a certain man, feeling things she hadn't since her first and only boyfriend from a few years ago, and that didn't help matters either.

'What were you thinking? Stupid...' She thought, mentally kicking herself for her previous actions. Oh, if only sober Lexi had been the one in charge of her decision making that night. Things probably wouldn't have ended up so bleak.

She shouldn't be getting so close to them, most of all their captain. He was cunning, and she could see how that could factor into being manipulative. Perhaps that had been his plan all along, to manipulate her in the end, though how he was going about it still was unclear to the brunette. If he was, she couldn't tell.

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