Shopping Trip

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Lexi took the passenger seat, while Law climbed into the back. Once he was situated in the back, Brittany turned and gave him a winning smile. "Fancy meeting you here." She started, but Lexi smacked her in the arm before she could continue any further.

"Let's go already." The brunette said, hoping that she wouldn't have to sit through a car ride of the two of them flirting back and forth. She knew how stubborn and pursuant Brittany could be, and Law appeared to not mind one bit. If there was one thing she knew after being friends with Brittany for eight years, it was that if a guy showed any sort of reciprocation of Brittany's flirting, it usually meant they would end up dating.

"Hmm..." Brittany muttered, shoving the car into reverse and backing out of her driveway. Straightening out on the road, she switched to drive and started down the road towards the open country.

"Where are we going exactly?" Lexi questioned, searching for her own sunglasses in her cluttered purse. She threw them on, leaning back further into the plush seats. It was a little hot, and so she rolled down her window, letting the breeze cool her fast. Behind her, she could hear Law clear his throat.

"What is the normal attire for a...frat party?" The pirate asked, stumbling slightly over the unfamiliar term. Beside her, Lexi said Brittany smirk.

"Oh, you know, all the guys wear togas and sandals, wreaths of leaves in your hair. That sort of thing." She responded, and Lexi laughed a little.

"Don't listen to her, she's just being mean." The brunette supplied, glancing back at Law with a smile. "You can just wear normal street clothes."

He raised a brow, not quite sure what a 'toga' even was. "Hmm." He replied noncommittally.

"Wait, you were being serious?" The black-haired beauty asked in shock, sparing him a glance in her rearview mirror. With a raised brow, he nodded, and she sat back in silence for a moment. "I didn't think you were serious. You've never been to a frat party?"

"No. We don't...have them where I'm from." He answered as truthfully as he could. He couldn't exactly say that he was a pirate from another dimension. Lexi had stressed how crazy he would sound if he told anyone that.

"Well, in all honesty, those parties aren't much. Imagine a party with really loud music that gives you a headache, half the house smells like weed, and the other half like alcohol. Add in a swimming pool somewhere, bad decisions, and cheating partners exposed. That's a frat party." Brittany finished with a smile, proud of her creative definition of a frat party.

"I see..."

"And you wonder why I don't want to go..." Lexi muttered, but Brittany heard her. She reached over and slapped Lexi on the shoulder none too gently.

"Stop moping over there. You've got me with you, and I am the party. Besides, we'll probably just end up drinking a few shots and watching other people embarrass themselves. You'll love it." The traffic light changed, and Law watched as all of the vehicles began to move forward. He still wasn't used to the movement patterns of cars, and braced himself against the handle on the side of the door as they turned.

Law mostly tuned out the two women in the front seat, watching as his surroundings rushed past. The sheer amount of buildings in the city was baffling to the pirate. He'd seen some on the way to Lexi's university before, but there seemed to be more people than even the most populated islands he'd ever visited.

His thoughts were interrupted as the car lurched immediately left, and Brittany applied the brakes, a loud horn coming from somewhere in the front.

"Learn to drive, asshole!" Brittany yelled, flipping off someone to her right. Law looked over and saw another person in a car, angrily speeding past them.

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