Old American Classic

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Lexi began loading all the groceries into the backseat, mindful of how much room she left for Penguin to sit. Once everything was in, she hopped in the driver's seat and turned on the ignition.

"Ready?" She asked, pleased to see both of them had buckled their seatbelts. They nodded, and she pulled out of the parking lot.

"Can we listen to that song again?" Shachi asked. Lexi grinned, reaching for the CD's.

"No, but we can listen to a new song." They seemed to get excited over that, and she popped in a random CD.

It took a second for the reader to start the disc, but after a pause the beginning notes to "Love Bug" began to play. The guitar seemed to entrance the two, and she laughed, rolling down the windows as they sped away down the road. Cranking up the music, she sang to the lyrics.

"C-c-c-can you come over? A-a-a-are you around? I-I-I need to get bitten. I-I-I wanna get down." She tapped her fingers to the beat, and Shachi spoke first.

"This sounds awesome!" His head bounced up and down with the guitar, while Penguin pretended to bang on imaginary drums. Lexi's left foot bounced up and down in excitement, only because she'd never had anyone to sing with. Brittany wasn't one to sing, and it wasn't like they hung out much anyway. So this time of having fun and singing to her heart's content with other people felt really good.

"Love bug, love bug, hit me with your heart tough. Girl you got me runnin' and you gotta get your money. Hey!"

They sang the whole way home, Lexi slowly teaching them the lyrics.


Law sat with crossed arms, shaking his head in disappointment. "When would someone save spoons? That's ridiculous! Why is that an answer?" He glared at the TV, as the audience applauded. Nana, equally as frustrated as him, sat beside him in much the same fashion. Bepo, who'd been sleeping on the floor before, was now watching the screen with disinterest. He didn't get what the big deal was.

"Damn producers, got no idea what they're doing!" She shook a fist at the TV. The host waved to the camera.

"Join us tomorrow for another round!" Then, commercials for different products came on in between shows.

"This show is quite frustrating." Law muttered, and Nana chuckled as she stood up.

"You're quite right. Why don't we blow off some steam then? Follow me!" She bounded into her bedroom, leaving a very confused Bepo and a cautious Law to follow.


"Alright, I'm not gonna be the only one carrying this stuff in." Lexi called to the two pirates, who had conveniently started up the steps. They stopped at her voice, and slowly turned around.

"Right, sorry!" Penguin called, and they returned back to the truck.

The three of them could easily carry all the plastic bags into the kitchen, and they dumped them unceremoniously onto the counter. Lexi let out a huff of breath, taking off her shoes and throwing them into the corner. She began walking towards the living room, where she could hear the TV on.

"Well, I hope Nana hasn't-" She stopped, seeing no one around. The TV was playing reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S., which Nana hated. Obviously they hadn't been watching TV just recently...

"Nana?" She called into the house, hearing no response. Only the creak of the boards as they settled. Forgetting about the food that needed to be put in the fridge, she wandered the bedroom and lower floor for the pair.

"Captain?" Shachi tried, but he didn't answer either.

Just then, a loud gunshot rang out in the backyard. Lexi froze, immediately jogging to the back door that led to the porch. "God dammit..." She muttered throwing open the door and seeing what was outside.

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