Chapter twenty one

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"Well the fight is any time now, so we should get going." Louis said, we all agreed and walked outside.

Harry, Louis, and I got in the truck. Zayn got on his motorcycle along with Liam, Ed, and Niall.

We began to drive down the rode.

"Do people die in these fights?" I asked breaking the silence.

  Harry and Louis looked at each other, Harry took a deep breath.

"It can happen." He said slowly, I took a sharp breath in. Louis looked out the window, he was ashamed, he was ashamed he was apart of the fighting.

It was quiet the rest of the ride.

We finally arrived at a farm, there was laugher and shouting coming from the barn.

Louis and Harry got out, Harry helped me down.

The rest of the boys followed as we walked to the barn.

Once we made to the barn, I could smell alcohol and numerous amounts of drugs.

Shouts, laughter, and stumbling drunk men were everywhere.

In the middle if the barn were hay stacks in a circle, mimicking a fighting ring.

Men walked to Louis and greeted him. He smiled and laughed, then walked to the middle of the makeshift ring.

"Listen up!" He yelled very loud.

Everyone hushed and turned towards Louis.

"Come on." Harry whispered, pulling me to the front of the crowd.

"Are we ready to fight?!" Louis yelled throwing his arms out, the people yelled and clapped.

"Ladies first!" Louis said flickering his eyes to me then to the back of the barn.

Four girls walked from the back to the ring, earning whistles and cheers. They were very fit girls who looked ready to kill.

"On the right side of the ring we have Chelsea!" Louis yelled over the screams.

"On the left side of the ring we have Amanda!" Louis yelled, clapping himself.

"Amanda never loses." Harry whispered into my ear.

I saw Ed emerge from the back of the crowd, ready to jump in and help any hurt girl.

"Ready ladies?" He said looking to both of them, they both quickly nodded.

"Round one, begin!" He yelled.

Immediately, cheering roared from the crowd. The girls stared each other down as they circled the ring. Chelsea quickly dove in for a hit, Amanda dodged and quickly kicked the girls shin causing her to fall.

As if it were instinct Amanda began kicking Chelsea, Louis ran in and pushed Amanda away.

Amanda looked around the crowd and threw her hands in the air.

Chelsea hobbled back to her trainer and drank some water.

"Round two, begin." Louis yelled, backing away.

They circled the ring once more as Amanda ran in to take a blow, Chelsea was weak and couldn't dodge, it knocked her cold.

Harry raised a fist in the air and cheered, I was in shock.

How could people watch this. Chelsea lay there on the floor as others began to crowd around Amanda.

"Did you see that?!" Harry said smiling big looking back at me then back to the fight, I sat there with my jaw dropped in horror.

He sighed and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"We have a winner!" Louis screamed over the people.

"Amanda has won once again!" He said clapping.

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