Chapter twenty two

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"We now have free fight!" Louis yelled.

"What's free fight?" I asked  Harry. 

"Free fight is where anyone can fight, just have to okay it with Louis." Harry said bringing me towards the back of the barn where Zayn and Liam were.

"So do you like it?" Liam asked, I was about to answer when I heard a scream, it came from the ring.

A man was bleeding everywhere as another man ran in a victory lap earning claps, I watched as Ed rushed in.

Harry turned me back around as Liam waited for an answer.

"I-I, no." was all I could manage, they chuckled.

A girl walked up behind Harry and whispered something in his ear, he smirked and looked down, I tensed up. 

"Who's this?" She asked latching herself on Harry.

"She's a close friend." Harry said looking at me for an answer, quite frankly I didn't know what we were.

"Oh just a friend right?" She said laughing walking over to me. "You're his new whore?" She asked pushing a hair off my shoulder.

"I'm not a whore." I said, blood boiling.

"You're right! If you're with Harry you're probably a prostitute." She said with a little smile.

"By the way you just climbed all over Harry, it seemed like you were once with him. But I bet he had to take you back to the street corner where you belong." I said trying not to shove her.

"Why don't we take this to the ring?" She said.

"I'd rather not." I said, I was afraid of the ring.

"Why are you afraid you're gonna get a boo boo." She said like she was talking to a baby.

"No, I've already killed someone today." I said smiling, Harry laughed.  She lost all emotion in her face, then walked to Louis and whispered something in his ear.

"You're screwed." Zayn said.

"Have some faith, she's pretty good." Harry said rubbing my shoulder.

Louis turned to me and smirked, "Ally and Maddie are about to fight it out next, stay tuned." He yelled laughing.

Maddie stood there smirking with her arms crossed.

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