Chapter thirty

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Perrie was the first to greet us, "How was it?" She said trying to contain her smile.

"It was horrible." I said frowning.

Perrie gasped and slapped Harry's arm.

"Im joking!" I said smiling, Harry let out a sigh of relief.

Perrie smiled to herself and yelled to the others that it went well.

Louis walked in and began to check my body, "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Looking for scratch marks, Harry gets a little feisty." Louis said lifting up my arm.

"Louis we didn't, do that." I said, embarrassed.

"Just looking out for you." He said smiling, he walked out.

I looked at Harry who was trying to contain his laughter.

I got a little hungry, so I went to the kitchen. Liam and Niall were in there making cupcakes.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as they violently stirred the mix.

"We're making cupcakes." Niall said handing me a spoon of batter.

"For what?" I asked curiously.

"We're having a party tomorrow because bens dead, Perrie planned everything." Liam said dipping his finger in the mix.

"You look nice." Niall said, Liam nodded.

"Thanks." I said before leaving the kitchen.

I wanted to find Ed, I walked to the gym. Zayn was practicing in the ring with Perrie cheering him on.

"Where's Ed?" I asked.

"Check his room, he's two doors down from you." Perrie called.

"Thanks." I called as I walked down the hall to his room.

I knocked on the door, he quickly opened the door.

"Hi." I said smiling, he always made me happier.

"What's up?" He asked opening his door more, letting me in.

"I was wondering if you could check my arm?" I asked, sitting on the bed.

"Of course." He said sitting next to me. 

I really just wanted to see him, he makes me feel happier and takes the weight off my shoulders.

He checked everything on my arm, it was funny how focused he got on it.

I giggled, "What?" He said looking up.

"You're so focused." I said with a small smile.

"Im just making sure you're alright, I don't want to miss anything." He said giving my arm one last check.

"So you and perrie seemed to click pretty well." He raised his brows.

"Yea," I laughed. "She's just so happy." I settled for a lack of words.

"She's always been the one to lift our spirits." Ed nodded.

"You should be fine." He said standing up.

I stood up, "Thanks." I said smiling.

"Anytime." He said, I walked out the door.

I saw Harry walking down the hall, I ran and jumped on his back. He laughed in surprise, he began to run to the lobby, someone was there.

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