Chapter twenty three

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Harry gave me a light push and we walked to the ring, I pushed into Maddie 'on accident'.

The fighters finished up on the ring and got pulled out.

Louis walked forward, "On the right side we have Maddie, a returning fighter." Louis yelled getting everyone's attention.

"On the left side we have Ally, a brand new fighter." He yelled, everyone cheered.

"Fighters ready?" He yelled.

"Don't screw up." Zayn said.

"Round one begin."

She circled around the ring, I followed. We gave each other the death stare the whole time.

She got angry and ran towards me, I quickly moved out of the way. She sneered and ran towards me again.

I dodged and nailed her in the face, she stumbled back and wiped away blood from her nose.

She ran again and scratched my face. I stumbled back and held my check, it stung as I felt hot blood trickle down my neck, she smirked.

"That's the end of round one!" Louis yelled, looking at me.

I walked to Harry, he quickly hugged me, "Ed!" He called.

"I'm fine." I said as Ed walked over.

"There's blood everywhere!" Harry said shaking me.

"How's your arm?" Ed said checking it.

"It's fine." I lied.

"Round two, begin." Louis yelled, I quickly teared away from Harry and began circling the ring.

I watched as she quickly wiped away blood that began to drip out of her nose.

I quickly ran up and pulled her by her hair to the ground, I quickly sat on her hands and punched her, over and over, she was screaming.

"Round two is over!" Louis yelled pulling me off off her.

I never let my eyes off of her as Louis pulled me by Harry.

"Nice. " he said patting my back.

Maddie watched me from across the ring, she was getting blood wiped off her face. Ed did the same for me, she flipped me off, I smiled causing her to turn away, annoyed.

"Okay, final round." Louis said.

She didn't even circle, she ran straight for me.

I slapped her before she could hit me, she backed away gasping. I took this opportunity to hit her again, this time in the gut.

She doubled over, I backed away waiting for her to get up.

The people around me cheered and reached out to pat my back.

She slowly got up and tried to hit me again, I moved out of the way and kicked the back of her knee causing her to fall to her knees.

I kicked her back so she fell to her face. I quickly jumped on her back and held down her hands.

"We have a winner!" Louis yelled pulling me up.

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