Chaptet twenty seven

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Zayn left the room for a minute, when he came back he said Perrie was coming.

"Who's Perrie?" I asked.

"Zayns girlfriend." Harry said smiling at Zayn.

"Well what do you have right next to you?" Zayn said laughing, I laughed along.

"Shut up, we're- um- "

"friends with benefits?" Louis said chuckling, Harry punched his arm.

Then a beautiful girl with bright blue eyes and dusty purple colored hair walked through the door. Zayn ran to her, his whole face lit up.

"This must be the one Harry always talks about." She said with a bright smile, "I'm Perrie." She said bringing me in for a hug.

"Im Ally." I said hugging her back.

"Do you mind if we have some girl time?" Perrie asked looking at Zayn and Harry.

Harry backed away with his hands up, Zayn groaned but let us go.

We walked to my room, closed the door and sat on the bed.

"So, you and Harry?" She asked with her brows raised.

"I dont know what we are, nothing's official." I said slightly disappointed, Perrie made a sad face.

"Come on give me some details!" She said giggling.

"Not after you tell me about you and Zayn!" I said as she squealed.

"We'll it's been a year now that we've been official but we met a long way back, I kinda got sucked in to the killer life." She said using her hands.

"Now tell me about you and Harry, don't leave anything out!" She said pointing a finger at me.

"He saved me from some weird man, then I stayed the night with him, I guess we connected." I said shrugging.

"That can't be it, he talks about you so much, he never gets this way. Unless he- No Way!" She squealed grabbing my hands.

"Well he did say he loved me." I said quietly.

"Well did you say you loved him too!" She asked engaged in our conversation.

"Well ya." I said looking down.

"You know he doesn't throw that word around often." She said leaning in with a humble smile. "He means it when he says it."

I smiled looking down at my hands awkwardly.

She jumped off the bed, "Have you been on a date?" She asked grabbing my hands.

"No? We went to a fight club?" I said laughing, she gasped.

"Come on!" She said bringing me to the bathroom.

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