Part Sixteen

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“Are you okay?” was all she could hear, faint and distant. There was a throbbing in her head and a knot in her stomach. It literally felt like she couldn’t hear or see anything cleaning. Her mind was racing Why am I reacting like this? I mean yeah it’s clear he still loves her but

“Hello?” Rachel repeated. Zoey hung up

“Shit” was the only thing that left her lips


“Zoey?” Caleb asked holding her arms “Zoey you’re really freaking me out”

Stop freaking out ohmygod you’re such a drama queen! Why are you freaking out? Garrett isn’t yours and he never was to begin with. He has every right to be with her. With Rachel.


She pressed her finger tips to her lips and tried to steady her breathing.

Don’t freak out. Not now.

“Yeah Im um fine. Sorry just um” she stuttered

“You don’t look fine. You look seriously pale. You need some food in you” he said steering her toward the deli without waiting for her answer. She didn’t care where she was going, all she knew was that her chest hurt and her stomach was in knots.Sitting in the furthest booth facing the window Zoey and Caleb faced each other, neither of them saying anything. Zoey was too preoccupied trying to wrap her head around Garrett and Rachel and why she was so upset and Caleb just sat there. When their coffee came, still neither of them said anything until the silence got so loud it was overwhelming.

“I’m sorry about that” Zoey said staring out the window

“Don’t worry about it”


Zoeys phone rang loud enough to startle them both. She looked at the caller ID even though she didn’t need to know who it was. Garrett. If he was calling to explain why Rachel was answering his phone she didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t want to hear his voice.. not now anyway.

She hit ignore

And again it rang

And she hit it again

“Avoiding someone?” he asked although it was more of a statement than a question

She grunted. 

“Don’t you have to be somewhere?” she asked realizing it sounded rude. He wasn’t offended

“Not today” he said leaning forward and studying Zoey. Raising her head to meet his eyes neither of them moved. She swore she saw the corners of his lips twitch, if he was about to smile he was interrupted by Zoeys phone ringing again. This time before rejecting the call she stared at the screen. Garretts name alone was enough to make her heart beat faster and at the same time send her stomach into knots. She sighed and turned the phone completely off. “Lets get outta here” she said getting up to leave.Caleb paid the bill and joined her. As soon as they stepped out the Arizona heat hit them.

“Fuck its hot” she muttered

After walking about a block Zoeys head didn’t hurt as much and she let herself think freely. Having Caleb with her helped. They’d just met but still, it was better than being alone

“I’m sorry about all of this” she said staring at the pavement

He stopped walking and turned to face her. Flashing a smile he extended his arm forward “Hi I’m Caleb, it’s nice to meet you”

She cocked her head to the side confused at what he was doing. When she got it she grinned back and shook his hand

“Hi Im Zoey, and its nice meeting you too” she laughed

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