Part Twenty One

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“Stephen move!” she yelled over the sound of drums to the bassist.  Turning around at the sound of his name he grinned when he realized it was Zoey and moved to the side allowing Zoey to get the perfect shot of the crowd. Satisfied she turned her attention to the back of the stage and continued taking her pictures until she was done, she then walked off the stage and back outside.

It was two weeks in to the tour and the sun was blazing. After leaving Arizona the heat hadn’t let up. It remained hot and humid until they hit a mild storm while on the road. But it stopped and the heat arose again. Wiping her forehead she took the camera off her neck and began walking back to the bus.

Two weeks in to it and she hadn’t seen Garrett. She wasn’t avoiding him but it’s not like she wanted to see him either. Since she and Caleb were together now meeting Garrett would only bring about feelings that both parties wanted to forget. Clearly. She had met Kennedy and Pat a day after everything began, if she was scared there was going to be any awkwardness she needn’t be because, there wasn’t. Garrett had made it clear that whatever happened between him and Zoey it shouldn’t affect anyone else’s friendships and it hadn’t. The three of them were still able to talk and laugh and hang out. They had even met Caleb. Although she was hired to photograph the whole tour including all the bands on it she had gone out of her way to avoid The Maine’s set. She knew that in the end, she would have to but deciding to put it off until she absolutely could not wait another day was always at the back of her mind.

“Hey babe” Caleb said as she rounded a corner and ran in to him. Kissing her on the cheek, “I’m late, aren’t you coming for our set?”

“Yeah, I just forgot my lens in the bus.” She smiled at him, standing under the sun his hair looked brown-ish red. His freckles also became clear “I’ll be right there”

“I’ll wait”

Rounding another corner she bumped in to someone and hit her forehead on his chin

“Shit!” she winced as she rubbed her forehead. She tried to look at who she had hit, raising her head and immediately being blinded by the sun she raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun.

Her heart stopped.

 It was Garrett in all his glory, with his bass slung over his shoulder.

“Sorry about that” he said studying her. Zoey surprised herself by grinning. What surprised her even more was when he grinned back.

Laughing, she couldn’t believe the lack of tension there was. One would expect an awkward silence at least. But funnily enough, there wasn’t. It was like two friends catching up. Since he was going up after Caleb he had time to talk to her. They were sitting on a table and talking when Caleb came over

“Hey we’re getting late!” he said before he saw Garrett. Stopping he looked at the two of them and smiled. Extending his arm, he and Garrett shook hands, Caleb then excused himself on account of the fact that he was late for their set and so did Zoey because she had to get her pictures.

“It was nice catching up Garrett” she turned and said before leaving

“Yeah” he smiled “It was”

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